System Values - Purchasing - Delivery

- WARNING: Changing these settings may cause unforeseen issues. If in doubt please check with KSDL's Support Team before making changes.
This area affect the dates in a purchase order.
- Required Date (Days to Add): adds additional days to the default required date, which is usually the order date plus 1.
- Required Date skips NWD's (default=unticked):
: The default required date will NOT include non-working days. 'Days to Add' should be a working days if this is ticked.
: The default required date will include non-working days.
- Due Dates skips NWD's (default=unticked):
: When due dates for items in purchase orders are calculated, non-working days will be NOT be included.
: When due dates for items in purchase orders are calculated, non-working days will be be included.
- Saturday is a Non-Working Day (default=ticked):
: Saturday will be treated as a non-working day for the purpose of calculating the required date and due dates for items in purchase orders.
: Saturday is treated as a working day for the purpose of calculating the required date and due dates for items in purchase orders.
- Sunday is a Non-Working Day (default=ticked):
: Sunday will be treated as a non-working day for the purpose of calculating the required date and due dates for items in purchase orders.
: Sunday is treated as a working day for the purpose of calculating the required date and due dates for items in purchase orders.
Note: new systems are normally supplied with (default) values shown.