How To: Deal with an Incorrectly Processed Return

If the button has been pressed accidentally or the user has forgotten to charge extra for the exchange items, then:

  1. In the sales return you wish to change:
    1. Do not issue the credit note.
    2. Do not credit the exchange note for the items going out to the customer.
  2. Click on the BtnRtnGoTo.jpg button in the credit note pane to open it, or right-click in the grid and select Associated Docs -> Goto Credit Note
    1. Click the dustbin icon is the button bar's DELETE button to delete.
    2. Enter or select the deletion reason and click on OK.
    3. Click on Yes in the confirm popup.
    4. Go back to the sales return you wish to change.
  3. If a return exchange has been created, click on the BtnRtnGoTo.jpg button in the exchange note pane, or right-click in the grid and select Associated Docs -> Goto Exchange doc.
    1. Click the dustbin icon is the button bar's DELETE button to delete.
    2. Enter or select the deletion reason and click on OK.
    3. Click on Yes in the confirm popup.
    4. Go back to the sales return you wish to change.
  4. Click the dustbin icon is the button bar's DELETE button to delete.
  5. Click on Yes in the confirm popup.
  6. Reopen the original sales order and the return quantity should be zero (or the quantity of previously returned items).

See Also

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