How To: Adjust Stock when using Warehouse Control

Warehouse Location Control is not enabled by default.
Training must be completed before using the warehouse functionality.
Please email Development for more information.
Note: there will be additional costs involved if this option is enabled.

WARNING: Do not use this screen as a substitute for Warehouse Perform Location Movements

Stock Adjustments can be made using the following methods:


  • The grid can be printed or sent to Notepad.
  • Specific adjustment reasons can be setup, see How To: Setup Adjustment Reasons which enable the user to select the Note/Reason from a specified list making the analysis easier.
  • Click on the Warehouse clear items button button to clear the contents of the grid.

Adjust Current Stock Item

  1. Open a Stock screen (show me how).
  2. Find and load the stock item.
  3. Go to the [ Adjustments | Adjust (Warehouse) ] screen.
  4. Click on the Warehouse add current stock item button button. The stock item will be displayed along with each location it is able to be stored in.
  5. Change the Adjust To or Adjust By columns against the stock item and location as appropriate.
  6. Enter the Note/Reason or select the reason from the drop-down list if setup.
  7. Click on the Warehouse save adjustment button button to save the adjustment.

Adjust Stock Items including Ranges of Items

  1. Open a Stock screen (show me how).
  2. Go to the [ Adjustments | Adjust (Warehouse) ] screen.
  3. Enter the stock code in the field above the Warehouse add stock item button button. To bring in a range of items with the similar stock codes use the % wildcard e.g. 70% will bring in all stock codes starting 70. The wildcard can also be used to find all items that end with a range e.g. %70 will find all codes that end in 70.
  4. Click on the Warehouse add stock item button button, the stock item will be displayed along with each location it can be stored in.
  5. Change the Adjust To or Adjust By columns against the stock item(s) and location as appropriate.
  6. Enter the Note/Reason or select the reason from the drop-down list if setup.
  7. Click on the Warehouse save adjustment button button to save the adjustment.

Adjust Stock by Location or Range of Locations

  1. Open a Stock screen (show me how).
  2. Go to the [ Adjustments | Adjust (Warehouse) ] screen.
  3. Enter the location code in the field above the Warehouse add stock held in specified locations button button. To load a range of locations use the % wildcard e.g. %PP% to see all Primary Pick locations.
  4. Click on the Warehouse add stock held in specified locations button button, the stock items in the location (or locations) will be displayed along with each location it can be stored in.
  5. Change the Adjust To or Adjust By columns against the stock item and location as appropriate.
  6. Enter the Note/Reason or select the reason from the drop-down list if setup.
  7. Click on the Warehouse save adjustment button button to save the adjustment.

Adjust by Stock Type

  1. Open a Stock screen (show me how).
  2. Go to the [ Adjustments | Adjust (Warehouse) ] screen.
  3. Tick the stock type checkboxes of the stock types you wish to load.
    Note: using the context menu on the checkboxes allows the user to select all or select none.
  4. Click on the Warehouse add stock type button button, the stock items in the stock types selected will be displayed along with each location it can be stored in.
  5. Change the Adjust To or Adjust By columns against the stock item and location as appropriate.
  6. Enter the Note/Reason or select the reason from the drop-down list if setup.
  7. Click on the Warehouse save adjustment button button to save the adjustment.

See Also

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