How To: Apply Customer Discounts

Customers can have a one-off discount in a single sales order or a global discount that is applied to every sales order. The discount is applied before the invoice is paid.

One-off customer discount in a Sales Order

  1. Create a sales order for the customer you wish to give a discount to.
  2. In the [ Sales Order | Main ] tab, enter the discount % in the in the Disc% field DiscountPercent.jpg.
  3. To apply the discount to the Sales Order, click on the green down arrow BtnDiscountDown.jpg to the right of the Disc% field.
  4. The percentage discount will be applied to the order.
    Note: the discount will be applied to all items in the grid. However, if stock items are added after the discount has been applied the discount will not be applied to them unless the green down arrow BtnDiscountDown.jpg is used again.

Regular customer discount

  1. Open a Customer screen (show me how).
  2. Load the required customer record.
  3. Open the [ Detail | Financial ] tab.
  4. Press Alt+E or click the green triangle icon is the buttonbar's EDIT button to enter edit mode.
  5. In the left Disc/Ovr box at the top of the screen enter the discount % ScrCuDiscountPercent.jpg.
  6. Press Ctrl+S or click the disk icon is the button bar's SAVE button to save the record.
    Note: the discount will be applied in addition to any other discounts the customer may be entitled to from price lists, special offers, etc., regardless of any system values settings.

See Also

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