How To: Lay Away and Retrieve an EPOS order
Create a Lay Away Open the EPOS screen screen (show me how) . Log into EPOS . Create and process a basic order or create and process an order with multiple payment types . Click the button. Enter a reminder/description so when the customer comes back you can identify the Lay Away order quickly. Click Ok ; the order will be stored so it can be retrieved later. Retrieve a Lay Away Open the EPOS screen screen (show me how) . Log into EPOS . Make sure there are no items in the EPOS Transaction Items grid. Click the button. Enter the ID number of the order in the 'Lay Away Retrieval' for the order you wish to retrieve, remember to check the description. Press Enter to retrieve the order. Continue processing as described in the How To: Create and Process a Basic Order or How To: Create and Process an Order with multiple payment types .
Lay Away sales orders cannot be retrieved once the Epos screen has been exited, they are linked to the current user session so when this ends they are cleared.
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