Label path: if your courier supports label images, this is the path where the label images are stored.
Print command: this is the command used to print courier documents, for example it will launch Adobe Acrobat. This is only applicable if your courier integrations support documents.
Convert to PDF files:
TICKED: the system will convert the PDF files to images for printing or embedding.
UNTICKED: an external program (e.g. Acrobat) will be launched to handle PDF files.
Save to converted PNGs: if the above option is ticked then the PNG files will not be deleted after they have been printed.
User per-user printer mappings for courier export: when ticked, any printer name set up for a courier against a particular user in the [ System Data | Courier Printer Mapping ] screen will be preferred over the value setup in the courier configuration.
Prevent Printing if Printer Name Option is Blank: when enabled, printing of labels will not occur. This is useful if you are using integrated labels and want to prevent printing multiple copies of the same label.
Courier Assign Order: determines the order that selected invoices will be assigned to courier - either Invoice Code or Sales Order Code order.
Exclude non-physical items from exporting to couriers: when enabled, stock items marked as non-physical are excluded from being exported to couriers.