New Channels - How To: re-upload OrderStatus data

It is possible to select Sales Orders and re-upload their channel shipping notification status. It works differently for Amazon and the other channels.

Channels excluding Amazon

  1. Open a Channels Screen by typing 'chan' in the Command Window.
  2. Open the [ Imported Orders ] screen.
  3. Green select the orders which need their shipping notification to be resent.
  4. Right click on the grid and select 'Resend Order Status'.
  5. Click OK in the message to acknowledge the upload of the status once the next sync has been performed.

Amazon Only


If you already have a password set for SOrder, then you can use that. If you need to set one up then follow these instructions:

  1. Open a System Data screen (show me how).
  2. Open [ System Data | Others Admin Passwords ].
  3. Press Alt+E or click the green triangle icon is the buttonbar's EDIT button to enter edit mode.
  4. Update the password for SOrder.
  5. Press Ctrl+S or click the disk icon is the button bar's SAVE button to save.


  1. Open a Channels Screen by typing 'chan' in the Command Window.
  2. Open the [ Imported Orders ] screen.
  3. Green select the orders which need their shipping notification to be resent.
  4. Right click on the grid and select 'Resend Order Status'.
  5. Enter the password.
  6. Click OK to the password message.
  7. Click OK in the message to acknowledge the upload of the status once the next sync has been performed.

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