New Channels List Tab


The Channels List screen displays the existing channels integrations that you have created, ordered alphabetically on the channels name. Double-clicking on a channel within the grid will open the [ Channel | Detail | Setup ] tab for that channel.

Note: you will need to click the Go button to view the channels within the grid.

The Channels List screen consists of:

  1. The Go button.
  2. The Grid

The Grid

The Channels List screen returns all of the configured channels integrations. Double-clicking on a channel within the grid will open the [ Channel | Detail | Setup ] tab for that channel.

Channels List Tab Grid

  • Channel ID: The Khaos Control ID reference for the channel
  • Name: the name you have assigned the channel, as configured on the [ Channel | Detail | Setup ] tab.
  • Type: the type of channel, for example BigCommerce, WooCommerce or Shopify.
  • Enabled: indicates if the channel is currently live.

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