How To: Cancel a Credit Note

- WARNING: Credit Notes can only be deleted if they have NOT been issued. If they have then you will have to create balancing sales orders and / or credits in order to balance the customer's account.
There are many reasons why a Credit Note might be cancelled. For example the wrong Sales Order type had been chosen when creating and saving a sales order. Or a Return credit was created in error. As long has the Credit Note has not been issued, then you are able to cancel it.
Unissued Credit Note
Cancel the Credit Order
- Find and open the credit note.
- Click
to delete the credit note.
- Enter a deletion / cancellation reason and click 'OK'.
Note: by default, a free text description is used, alternatively, the cancellation reason can be selected from a pre-defined list maintained in[ System Data | Cancellation Reasons ]
(this requires custom development, which may be chargeable). - Click 'Yes' to the prompt.
Displaying Cancelled Credit Note Report
To view the sales orders that have been cancelled:
- Open a Sales Order screen .
- Display the drop-down 'Other Actions' menu either by pressing F9 or clicking the down arrow immediately to the right of the
green circle with a white cross icon at the top of the button bar.
- Select Audit
- Select Legacy Audit
- In the Audit Dialog click on the
- Select the date range from the date range popup.
- Click on 'OK'.
- In the Order Type popup select Credit Notes.
Note: you could select 'Cancel' for all types. - The Cancelled Orders Summary report will be displayed.
Issued Credit Note
If the credit note has been issued then the best method is to create a sales invoice in the SP Ledger to use the credit note against:
Create the SPLedger invoice
- Open the
[ Accounts | SP Ledger ]
tab. - Press Alt+E or click
to enter edit mode.
- Press F3 or click
to add a new item.
- Use the Lookup dialog box to locate the customer that has the incorrect credit note.
Note: The supplier checkbox is used to toggle between customers and suppliers. - A new row is added to the grid for the selected customer/supplier.
- Enter the appropriate details:
- Post: ticked.
- Pay: unticked.
- Crd: unticked.
- S/P: enter S .
- Nominal: nominal account to post entry against.
- InvDate: the date of the invoice.
Note: if the invoice date is today's date then a warning message will appear. - Tax: Exempt.
- Gross: Enter the amount of the credit note.
- Description: add a note to explain that the entry is to counter an incorrect credit note.
- Press Ctrl+S or click
to save the transaction acknowledging any warnings.
Use the credit note to pay for the invoice
- Open a Customer screen .
- Find and load the Customer.
- Open the
[ Statement ]
tab. - 'Drag-and-drop' the credit note from the top grid (Allocate From) onto the invoice, you created in the SP Ledger, in the grid below (Allocate To).