How To: Delete Contact

Deleting contacts should only be carried out if they have been entered in error, once they have been used by the system they can't be deleted. If a contact no longer belongs to the company, then they should be marked as inactive, see How To: Mark Contact Active or Inactive.

  1. Open a Customer screen (show me how).
  2. Load the required customer record.
  3. Press Alt+E or click the green triangle icon is the buttonbar's EDIT button to enter edit mode.
  4. Open the [ Customer | Detail | Address ] tab.
  5. Select the address that contains the contact to be deleted from the list of customer addresses in the top right section of the screen.
  6. Select the contact to deleted from the list of contacts in the bottom right section of the screen.
  7. Click on the the DELETE ITEM button has an icon that shows two sheets of paper (identified by having the top right corner folded down), arranged diagonally on the icon from top left to bottom right and overlaid with a red cross. button in the lower contact button bar to delete the contact.
  8. Click 'Yes' to the warning pop-up.
  9. Press Ctrl+S or click the disk icon is the button bar's SAVE button to save.


  1. It is possible to over-type the contact details but this should be avoided unless it is to correct a spelling error.
  2. Please read the information contained in the Customer Address tab in regards to the implications of adding, amending or deleting contact / address details.

See Also

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