How to: Display a prompt for a specific Customer Classification

A prompt can be displayed whenever a sales order is created for a specific customer classification.

  1. Open a Promotion screen (show me how).
  2. Open the [ Telesale Rules ] tab.
  3. Press Ctrl+N or click the New item icon is the button bar's NEW button .
  4. Type the Telesale Prompt title in the Short Description field.
  5. Type the relevant text in the Long Description field, for example 'When taking an order from an NHS Customer please remember to ask for an official Purchase Order Number. Remember to input this on the Payments tab PO# section'.
  6. Click on the Customer Class dropdown and select, for example, 'NHS'.
  7. Set any other options as required.
  8. Press Ctrl+S or click the disk icon is the button bar's SAVE button to save once you have finished.

See Also

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