How To: Manage Stock levels for communication to BigCommerce when using New Channels

WARNING: The information included on this page in only available within Khaos Control if New Channels is enabled

When uploading stock levels to a channel, it's possible to define which products you wish to be updated:

  1. Type chan into the command window .
  2. Double click on the relevant BigCommerce channel.
  3. Open the [ Channel | Detail | Stock ] screen.
  4. Press Alt+E or click the green triangle icon is the buttonbar's EDIT button to enter edit mode.
  5. Change the Stock to upload option to Upload specified items only using the dropdown.
  6. Press the new button above the stock grid.
  7. Green-Select all required stock items from the stock lookup and double click on them to add them into the grid.
  8. Press Ctrl+S or click the disk icon is the button bar's SAVE button to save.

By using the Profiles grid, it's also possible to control what percentage of your actual stock holding is shown as being available on the channel:

  1. Type chan into the command window .
  2. Double click on the relevant BigCommerce channel.
  3. Open the [ Channel | Detail | Stock ] screen.
  4. Press Alt+E or click the green triangle icon is the buttonbar's EDIT button to enter edit mode.
  5. Press the new button above the profiles grid.
  6. Give the new profile a name.
  7. In the Qty to Upload column, you can set a percentage which will be applied to your actual stock level in order to determine the stock level displayed on your channel.
  8. Ticking the Calc. Rel. Potential checkbox will calculate the potential stock level of Move With parent items based on the availability of child items.
  9. Ticking the Default checkbox will apply the profile to all stock items, apart from those that have had specific profiles assigned to them. Leaving this box unticked means that you will need to assign the profile to specified stock items using the Profile column in the Stock grid.
  10. You can specify the Site that the profile applies to by using the Site column.
  11. A barcode matching option can be set by using the F4 lookup option in the Stock Match Type column for the required profile line. A dropdown will show any barcode types that have been set in System data.
  12. Press Ctrl+S or click the disk icon is the button bar's SAVE button to save.

As an example, you could create a profile with 100% Qty to upload, set this as your default, and apply other profiles to specified stock items as exceptions.

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