How To: Prevent a Company from being Used

There are generally two circumstances in which you would want to stop a company being used:
Note: Khaos Control will not allow you to delete a company that is being used elsewhere in the system, for example, if there is a sales order attached to their record.

  • When the company has asked you to stop contacting them.
    For example, this could be because they have ceased trading (or died, in the case of an individual), they have registered with the Mailing Preference Service or have simply told you they don't want you to contact them again. To stop yourselves from sending mailings, etc. to a company in these circumstances, use following procedure:
    1. Set the Mailing Flag for Data Protection to 'Do not use' (or 'Deceased', as appropriate) in the following places:
  • When you decide to no longer do business with them.
    For example, this could be a customer with a bad credit history or a supplier that has let you down on a number of occasions. For these situations, use the following procedure:
    1. To stop yourselves from selling to a company, tick the 'Stop Sales Orders' checkbox in the base customer Options area of the [ Customer | Detail | General ] tab. This will prevent sales orders being accidentally created for this company.
    2. If the company is a supplier, you can alternately prevent purchase orders from being raised against them by ticking the 'Stop Purchase Orders' checkbox in the base supplier Options area of the [ Supplier | Detail | General ] tab.

In either of the above instances, you may also wish to add some descriptive text to the company note so as to deter others from unsetting these options.

See Also

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