How To: Setup an Invoice Priority defined against a Channel Courier when using Legacy Channels

An Invoice Priority can be defined against a Channel Courier when using Channels 1.0. This stamps the invoice priority against orders imported from specific channels for the courier, allowing users to identify and filter those invoices in the [ Sales Invoice ] screen.

  1. Open a System Data screen (show me how).
  2. Open the [ Channel Courier Mapping ] screen.
  3. Press Alt+E or click the green triangle icon is the buttonbar's EDIT button to enter edit mode.
  4. Click into the 'Inv Priority' column for the Channel and Courier to be updated.
  5. Press F4 and select the Invoice Priority from the list.
  6. Click 'OK'.
  7. Press Ctrl+S or click the disk icon is the button bar's SAVE button to save.

Note: setting an invoice priority against a Channel Courier for imported orders will override the default invoice priority for the Channel against the order.

See Also

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