Sales Returns - Other Actions menu
Display the drop-down 'Other Actions' menu either by pressing F9 or clicking the down arrow immediately to the right of the green circle with a white cross icon at the top of the button bar. The following functions are available when the user is in a open return:
- Process:
- Credit & Exchange: performs the same action as pressing the
- Create Credit Only: creates a replacement credit note if the original has been deleted. This option is only available for return that are still being processed i.e. Status: Print.
- Create Exchange Only: creates a replacement exchange note if the original one was deleted, see How To: Recreate a Deleted Exchange Note attached to a Return. This option is only available for return that are still being processed i.e. Status: Print.
- Credit & Exchange: performs the same action as pressing the
- Refund Email Generation: emails can be generated for customers who have had a payment refunded as a result of a customer return since the last time that the routine was run. The email refund message template must be setup before it can be used, see How To: Setup Payment Refund Emails and then this option is used to send them, see How To: Send Payment Refund Emails.
- View Pending Refunds...: opens the Pending Refunds dialog displaying Credit Notes that have been generated from Customer Returns and have not yet been fully allocated, the assumption being that they have therefore not yet been refunded.
- Returns Analysis: generates a filterable report showing an overview of returns created within a specified date range.
- Print:
- Sales Returns: prints a date based returns report by return reason, see How To: Report on Returns.
- Returns Analysis: generates a report based on a specified date range and by current site or all sites that displays all stock items that have been returned with their total sales figure for the specified date range, the number of returns over the same specified date range and the percentage of the top return reason, see How To: Report on Returns.
- Custom Reports:
- Print Preview: allows users to preview and print a boilerplate letter.
- Report Designer: allows user to access the report designer dialog so as to customise boilerplate letters (requires administrator-level permission).