How To: Create a Full EPOS Transaction Audit Roll Listing

The EPOS Full Transaction Audit Roll Listing Report allows the user to report on all sales within a given period (usually a day).

  1. Open the EPOS screen screen (show me how).
  2. Click on the BtnEPOSPrintX.jpg button in the EPOS KeyPOS User Panel.
  3. Then click on the BtnEPOSFullTransactionX.jpg button in the Print EPOS Report... popup.
  4. Choose the date range that you wish to report on.
    Note: you can also choose multiple date ranges.
  5. Click Ok to generate the Full Transaction Audit Roll Listing report.

The EPOS Full Transaction Audit Roll Listing Report is Site dependant, the user must log out of EPOS and either log out of Khaos Control and log back in with a user based at the alternative site or go to System Operations - Change Stock Control Site.

Information contained on the report

The EPOS Full Transaction Audit Roll Listing Report displays the following information per order:

  1. The background Sales Order number.
  2. The date and exact time the order was processed.
    1. Whether there was a Sale, Return or Exchange.
    2. The Quantity and Value of that Sale, Return or Exchange, Values for Return or Exchange Return Items will be expressed as negatives.
    3. The Stock Code and Short Description of the items sold.
  3. The Total Due for that Order.
  4. The Tendered or Refunded amounts and all the payment types.
  5. The Total Tendered and the Change if required for the transaction.
  6. A repeat of the date and exact time the order was processed.

The very last section of the EPOS Full Transaction Audit Roll Listing Report displays:

  1. Total: The net total of sales within the date period the user defined initially.
  2. Discounts (%): Displays the net total less percentage discounts.
  3. Discounts (£): Displays the net total less percentage discounts AND less and specific order discounts.
  4. Cash: Total Cash Sales amount within the date period the user defined initially.
  5. Cheque: Total Cheque Sales amount within the date period the user defined initially.
  6. Debit/Credit Card: Total Debit/Credit Card Sales amount within the date period the user defined initially.
  7. Other (Vouchers etc): Total Voucher and Sales on Account within the date period the user defined initially.
  8. Cash (Refund): Total Cash Refund amount within the date period the user defined initially.
  9. Cheque (Refund): Total Cheque Refund amount within the date period the user defined initially.
  10. Debit/Credit Card (Refund): Total Debit/Credit Card Refund amount within the date period the user defined initially.
  11. Other (Vouchers etc) (Refund): Total Voucher and Refunds on Account within the date period the user defined initially.

See Also

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