System Data Price Lists

Price Lists are one of the key marketing tools used in Khaos Control. Although customers can only belong to one company class, they can belong to multiple price lists. These price lists can be used to hold different prices for different customers, e.g. a medical supplier may be entitled to different prices than dentists and doctors. Company Classes can also be used as price lists and a Price List can be attached to a different Company Class so that when a new customer is created they have the Price List attached to their record depending on the Company Class selected; see company classes. A default price list can be setup in the [ System Values | General | Defaults and Financial ] tab so all new customers are given this Price List.<

Note: the price list set up against the company will override the default price list setup in [ System Values | General | Defaults and Financial ] .

For information about Price Lists see Price Lists and for setting up Price Lists see How To: Price Lists which lists the How Tos for setting up the different types of Price List.

Price Lists Grid

  • Description: the name of the Price List.
  • Options:
    • Price List checkbox: if the entry is a Price List then this MUST be BtnTriStYesXP.jpg ticked.
      Note: if BtnTriStNoXP.jpg unticked, on saving the new Price List disappears from the grid, however, it remains in the [ System Data | Company Classes ] grid but without the Price List checkbox BtnTriStYesXP.jpg ticked.
    • Net Prices checkbox: if the price list uses net, rather than gross, prices.
    • Active: (default=ticked) when BtnTriStNoXP.jpg unticked, the price list is hidden from Price List selection drop-downs and its prices are not displayed in the [ Sales Order | Detail | Price Bandings ] screen. Where a customer is associated with an inactive Price List, it is still displayed against them in the [ Customer | Detail | Structured Pricing ] screen and when filtered for in the [ Customer | List ] grid.
    • Restrict DDs: if the Price List is not being used as a Company Class, then BtnTriStYesXP.jpg ticking this box will prevent it from appearing in Company Class dropdown filters.

Price Lists Context Menu

  • Apply Value Range: allows the user to specify a value that is to be applied to all of the currently selected rows/items for the current column.
  • Clear Selection: deselects the currently selected line(s).

See Also

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