Accounts Debt Management Debtors/Creditors Tab
For the Other Action Menu options (press F9 or ) see Accounts Other Actions Menu.
The Debtors/Creditors Tab displays aged debt for both customers and suppliers. This form comprises of two sections; the top filters and the Debtors/Creditors grid. To print debtors and creditors reports see How To: Print a Debtors or Creditors Report.
Top Filters
- Debtors (or Creditors) radio button: switch between debtors (customers/sales ledger) and creditors (suppliers/purchase ledger).
- Months (or Weeks) radio button: switch between monthly and weekly periods.
- 6 Periods (or 12) radio button: extends the grid to show either 6 periods or 12 periods. The period can either be calendar months or 30 day blocks depending on the 'Monthly Debt Periods' option selected
[ System Values | Accounts | General | General ]
. If calendar months are selected Current will be the current month, Period 1 the previous month etc. If 30 day periods are used then Current will be looking back 30 days from today, Period 1 will cover the previous 30 days etc. - Proforma checkbox: filter for all customers who have been marked as Proforma customer in their
[ Customer | Detail | General ]
tab. - Hide pending payments checkbox: stops payments made within the last 60 days, which are allocated to sales orders that have been printed (but not yet issued), from being included in the debtors list. This is useful when pre-paid sales orders are being imported from website(s), as it is likely the accounts will balance once the invoices have been issued.
Note: this setting also changes the values printed in the Debt Summary Totals area when Statements of Account reports are printed from here. - Monthly Periods checkbox: selects calendar monthly periods instead of 4-weekly periods.
- Classification (
traffic light filter): filter the Debtors Creditors list by classification of customers or suppliers.
- Company Type (
traffic light filter): filter the Debtors Creditors list by company classification of customers or suppliers.
- Debt Stage (
traffic light filter): filter by debt stage, these are user-defined in System Data, see Debt Chasing.
- Agent (
traffic light filter): filter by agent.
- Sales Source (
traffic light filter): filter by sales source attached to the Company record.
- Company (or Invoice) checkbox: used with the Sales Source dropdown above:
- TICKED (default): filter by the company associated with the Sales Invoice.
- UNTICKED': filter by the sales source associated with the Sales Invoice.
- Owed Threshold (
traffic light filter): If populated it the grid will only display companies whose debts or credits are equal to or great than the figure entered. This is usually used to filter out small amounts, e.g. £3.
this will ignore and not filter on this attribute. BOTH Proforma and Non-Proforma customers can be returned in the results.
: ONLY Proforma customers can be returned in the results.
: ONLY Non-Proforma customers can be returned in the results.
- View (as of) date: this option dynamically recreates a Debtors/Creditors list to reflect how it looked like at a given point in time.
- Dates from and to (
traffic light filter): only displays transactions generated between these dates.
- URN: filters for a specific Customer/Supplier.
- Late Payment Interest Rate: this field is used to enter the late payment interest figure for example 12.5% would be entered in the box which is made up of the base rate of 4.5% + 8% late payment rate. The amounts that appear in the grid in the LP Value and LP Daily column can then be used to asses which debt needs chasing. However, the system does not do anything else with this value, it is just used as a guide for the user.
- Company Currency (
traffic light filter): return the records with companies with selected company currency.
- Show in Base Currency (default=ticked): displays the information in the grid in the base currency, unticked the results will be displayed in the selected currency.
- Include Credits in Periods checkbox: when ticked, credit notes will be included in the Period columns. If there is an outstanding balance then the credit note value will be taken into account and the balance displayed. This option is only visible when Include Credits and Payments in Debt Periods has been enabled in System Values.
Debtors / Creditors Grid
If any of the values shown in the columns are red then this means that the invoice(s) due in this period are "potentially" outside of the customer/supplier terms.
Note: caution must be applied however as Khaos Control will show an invoice amount in red for a week (for example) if the invoice will be due within that week, even though it may not be due until the Thursday of that week.
- URN: the customer or suppliers URN.
- Name: the customer or suppliers.
- Total: total of all invoices which may be spread over various periods.
- Unalloc: amount of unallocated payments and/or credits on the account.
Note: these will show as a minus figure. - Owed: total minus the Unalloc values to show total owing.
- Credit Limit displays the credit limit as set for each Customer / Supplier in their
[ Customer / Supplier | Detail | Financial ]
tab. - Current: period 0; new invoices.
- Period # (Periods 1 to 5/11): aged invoices based on month or week.
- Period 6/12+: the last period column may contain invoices for that period plus any that are older.
Note: periods can be configured to be either rolling (default) or monthly. This is controlled by the Monthly Debt Periods option in[ System Values | Accounts | General | General ]
. - Disputed: if there are disputed invoices on the customer/supplier accounts, the total disputed amount is shown here. Invoices are marked as disputed in the the Transactions Grid in the
[ Customer / Supplier | Detail | Statement ]
tab. - LP Value: the current amount that could be charged as a late payment and could be considered to be a debt score. If present then the amount will consist of a basic charge of £40 for debts up to £999.99, £70 for debts between £1,000 and £9,999.99 and £100 for debts over £10,000 then a daily interest rate based on the age of the debt. If the LP Value column is sorted in a descending manner (Right Click on the column header or focus in that column and press Ctrl+U) the results at the top will be the largest aged debt. The system does not do anything else with this value, it is just used as a guide for the user.
- LP Daily: the daily amount to be charged if the current debt is unchanged. This is calculated by the base rate plus 8%.
- Debt Chase: user-defined; used for customer debt tracking.
- Double-clicking on any of the first four columns will produce a Statement of Account for a customer.
- Double-clicking on the "Owed" column will show you the Debtors/Creditors Nominal account breakdown for the owed amount you have clicked on.
- Double-clicking on an amount in one of the Period columns opens the Customer Debt Dialog showing the invoice(s) that make-up the amount in that period.

The following columns can be added into the grid using Grid Configuration. They are hidden by default. Please see Grid Configuration for more details:
- Credit Terms (of customer): the credit terms as defined in the customer's
[ Customer | Detail | Financial ]
tab. - Proforma: indicates whether the customer has been marked as a Proforma customer in their
[ Customer | Detail | General ]
tab. - Payment Type: the payment type as defined in the customer's
[ Customer | Detail | Financial ]
Note: for Creditors (Suppliers), Proforma will not populate and the Payment Type and Credit Terms are displayed as "N/A". - Company Class: the customer's Classification as defined in their
[ Customer | Detail | General ]
Debtors / Creditors Context Menu
- Goto Company: displays the associated company details.
- Actions:
- Change Debt Stage: allows the user to change the debt stage for the selected customers in the grid.
- Clear Debt Stage & Grid Notes: will clear any Debt Stages and Debt Management Grid Notes for customers that DO NOT have an outstanding debt (i.e. they are not listed in the grid), see How To: Clear Debt Stages and Grid Notes in the Debt Management Screen.
- Toggle Credit Stop Status: this will mark the customers record as STOP in the Credit Stop field in their
[ Customer | Detail | Financial ]
tab. Sales Orders can no longer be created for a customer with STOP marked against their account. If the account STOP needs to be removed the option can be selected again or the entry in the customer record's financial tab can be removed. Customers listed as credit stop will have a yellow background in the grid. - Add To List Manager...: will add any green selected items in the grid to the List Manager Add pool / Open List Manager. This is useful for generating custom debt chase letters, e.g. where a set of customers are in a particular debt stage.
- Add Comm Log Entry...:
- Focused Only: if the user is only focused on a line with no selection then the Comm Log Entry Dialog will be displayed enabling the user to make an entry on the customer or supplier's Communication Log.
- Selected: if the user has a selection of customer the Communication Log Entry Dialog will be displayed allowing the user to select a Comm Log Type and Description. The 'next date' defined against the Comm. Log entry will be +30 days.
- Generate Statements: provides options for:
- Separate Statements (default=ticked): will display a separate preview statement for each customer rather than one preview window with multiple statements. If a user intends to perform an email statement run this option should be unticked.
- Preview / Email: creates a preview of the Statement of Account so the user can print it, email it or save it as a pdf. The Confirm popup allows the user to add an entry into the customer's Communication Log. The statement will be in the currency of the company.
- Print: sends the Statement of Account/s directly to the printer.
- Generate external PDF files: creates pdf Statements of Account and saves them in the default reports folder.
- Open folder containing PDF files: will open the default report folder.
- Update Comm Log "Statement Sent": adds an entry PDF Statement Report Emailed into the customer/supplier's Communication Log. If the customer has the Exclude Statement run option ticked in their company record, then no Comm Log entry will be made.
- View Nominal Transactions...: opens the Nominal Drill Down dialog listing all the nominal transactions associated with the customer, or supplier, that was focused on in the Debtors grid, for example S/Invoices, S/Credits and S/Payments and well as their P equivalent.
- Detailed Report (includes invoices): this will print a DC report that will also include the invoice details with each DC entry, see How To: Print a Detailed Debtors or Creditors Report. The user must make a selection before generating this report. If the grid is being filtered by a Customer Classification then it will be displayed on the header of the report in square brackets.
Note: the Creditor report will sort entries by the following fields- Company
- Invoice Code
- Date
- Colour Legend: opens the colour legend for the Debtors / Creditors Grid.
- Clear Selection: deselects the currently selected line(s).
Statement of Account Reports
Statement of Account Reports can be created from:
- The
[ Customer | Statement ]
tab, see How To: Print Statement Runs from a Customer screen. - The
[ Accounts | Debt Management ]
tab, see How To: Print Statement Runs from the Debt Management screen.
The Statement of Account report contains the following financial information:
- Details of the individual credits and invoices;
- The Aged Debt Value Totals, which include both credits as well as sales from the current period, every 30 days from the current period:
- Current
- 30 Days
- 60 Days
- 90 Days
- 120 Days
- Older
- Account Due is on the left of the aged debt value totals.