How To: View Imported Sales Orders for Channel Listings using Legacy Channels

Channel Listings is not enabled by default.
Training must be completed before using Channel Listings.
Please email Development for more information.
Note: there will be additional costs involved if this option is enabled.

Channel Listings is an Advanced User feature.

To display a list of all sales orders imported from Channel Listings:

  1. Open a Web Configuration screen (show me how).
  2. Open the [ Stock | Channel Listings | Listings ] screen.
  3. Use the filters to find the listings you wish to view the sales orders for.
  4. Green select the listings.
  5. Right click and from the context menu select 'Show Imported Orders' from the context menu the Imported Sales Order List Dialog will appear with details of the imported sales orders of the selected listings.
    Note: double-clicking on an entry will open the associated Sales Order.

See Also

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