Imported Sales Order List Dialog when using Legacy Channels

Channel Listings is not enabled by default.
Training must be completed before using Channel Listings.
Please email Development for more information.
Note: there will be additional costs involved if this option is enabled.

Channel Listings is an Advanced User feature.

Amazon using Legacy Channels is a legacy feature and no longer used in Khaos Control.

This functionality has superseded by New Channels.

The Imported Sales Order List dialog displays a list of all imported sales orders for green selected listing in the [ Stock | Channel Listings | Listings ] screen, see How To: View Imported Sales Orders for Channel Listings.

Double-clicking on an entry will open the associated Sales Order.

Imported Sales Order List Dialog

The dialog consists of the date range filter and Go button and the grid.

Imported Sales Order List Grid

  • Channel: the name of the channel e.g. eBay UK, eBay FR etc.
  • Listing ID: the internal listing ID.
  • Stock: the stock code of the item.
  • SO Code: the sales order code.
  • Qty: the total quantity of the item on the sales order.
  • Created: the date the sales order was created on the Channel.
  • Associated Ref: the order number of the sales order on the channel. This can be prefixed to help distinguish between the different channels, for example EBS for eBay Shop etc.

See Also

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