024026: Automatically Postpone assignment for specific SKUs for Current/future order
1. Overview
KCSL have added the option to automatically postpone assignment
of stock, and unassign stock from existing orders.
2. Specification
Changes that KCSL will be making:
Adding a new stock option called "auto postpone assignment". Adding items to orders with this option will prevent stock being assigned until status is lifted.
In SIM | Back order Stock Assignment tab two new buttons will be added.
Button 1 - "Temperature Lockdown.".
When a user will green select a set of order lines.
If they click the button, all green selected order lines will be have ALL stock unassigned.
A distinct list of stock items will then have the new stock option to it. And the green selected sorder lines will have the postpone assignment setting applied.
Button 2 - "Lift
This will be the reverse operation.
The stock item will have the stock option changed (disabled).
The sorder lines will have the postpone assignment setting lifted
Caveat: Then all stock which can be assigned will be assigned, in the order as they appear on screen. The lines need to be green selected.
3. Configuration
An updated application and changelog will be provided with this functionality. No further configuration is required.
4. Usage
The New Stock Option – Auto Postpone Stock Assignment
After applying the above Configuration, typical steps for usage would include:
- Open a stock item and go to the [ Stock | Detail | Options ] tab.
- See that there is a new option in the list – ‘Auto Postpone Stock Assignment’.
- This new stock option can be manually ticked against a stock item, and it will prevent the item being assigned to any new or edited sales orders.
- Manually setting this option will not prevent items being assigned to existing lines of stock in Sales Orders that the item was added to prior to the option being ticked.
- Manually setting this option will not unassign items from the existing Sales Orders.
- If you wish the option to be applied to all Sales Orders, including existing orders, and for assigned stock to be unassigned, then use the Temperature Lock functionality detailed in this document.
- Go back to the [ Stock | List ] screen.
- In the top right, click the green arrow against ‘Custom Options’.
- Note that there is a new filter option here, which will filter stock based on the ‘Auto Postpone Stock Assignment’ option.
Fig. 1.0 – The filter for the new option in the [ Stock | List ] screen.
This option can be edited for multiple items at the same time from the [ Stock | List ] screen:
1. Green-select the items you wish to update the option for.
2. Right-click in the grid to open the context menu.
3. Click [ Update Selected Stock Items | Properties… ] from the dropdown.
4. On the right-hand side of the Stock Update dialog, the new option can be found in the Options list, and can be updated in the same manner as other options can be.
5. For more info on this, see the wiki:
The Temperature Lock
After applying the above Configuration, typical steps for usage would include:
- Go to [ Sales Invoice |
Back Orders (Stock Assignment) ].
- See that there are two new
options along the bottom of the screen – ‘Temperature Lockdown’ and ‘Lift
- Set the filters as required (e.g. unticking the ‘unassigned items’ and ‘hide disabled stages’ tick boxes).
- Find the item in the grid you would like to lockdown, and take note of any assignments against them.
- Green-select the items you would like to lockdown.
- Note that you only need to green-select one instance of each item, as the lockdown will affect all active Sales Orders the item is on regardless of which instance was originally selected.
- Click ‘Temperature Lockdown’.
- If any of the effected Sales Orders were in a future stage, then the system will alert you that the orders are in a future stage.
- Sales Orders may move into ‘Awaiting Stock’ when locked down, dependent on other items on the order.
- The temperature lock is now in place for these items. The effects include:
- All stock will be unassigned. This will happen for all instances of the item on active SOs, not just for the order that was green-selected.
- If you click ‘Go’ to refresh the page, the locked down items will now be highlighted yellow to indicate postponed assignment.
- In the stock item’s [ Stock |Detail | Options ] tab, Auto Postpone Stock Assignment will have been ticked. This will prevent stock from being assigned to new orders.
- This item can now not be assigned to Sales Orders.
- To release the temperature lock, green-select the items in the [ Sales Invoice | Back Orders (Stock Assignment) ] grid, and click ‘Lift Lockdown’.
- If any of the effected Sales Orders are in a future stage, then the system will alert you that the orders are in a future stage.
- Sales Orders may move out of ‘Awaiting Stock’ when the lock is lifted, dependent on other items on the order.
- The temperature lock has now been lifted for these items. The effects include:
- All stock which can be assigned will be assigned.
- If you click ‘Go’ to refresh the page, the previously locked items will no longer be highlighted yellow.
- In the stock item’s [ Stock |Detail | Options ] tab, Auto Postpone Stock Assignment will have been unticked. This will allow stock to be assigned to new orders.