024569: Implement changing character limit on InvRef field within SP Ledger

1.   Overview

KCSL have extended the SP ledger Invoice Code length limit to 20 characters to match the Purchase Order and Purchase Invoice code limits.


2.   Specification

Requirement from the Development:

            Allow the default character limit to be changed on the InvRef field within the SP ledger.

Reason for the development item:

Posting against a purchase order does not have the same character limitation on the InvRef, allowing WE to input the full reference.

Customer would like the limitation of the character limit of the InvRef altered/removed from the SP ledger, to accommodate the full reference.

Changes that Khaos Control will be making:

Khaos Control will extend the SP ledger Invoice Code limit to 20 chars which matches the Purchase Order and Purchase Invoice code limits.


  • The remittance report was altered to be able to show the entire length of the reference.

3.   Configuration

An updated application and changelog will be provided with this functionality. No further configuration is required.


4.   Usage

After applying the above Configuration, typical steps for usage would include:


  1. Go to [ Accounts | Detail | SP Ledger ].
  2. Create a new SP ledger as usual.
  3. Note that the InvRef column now can have up to 20 characters (inclusive).


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