<!--KhaosControl Standard XML Import version 1.17 -->
<!--Comment: -1 = True, 0 = False-->
<!--Comment: If false, update customer details from values (matching on COMPANY_CODE) instead of creating new-->
<!--If true, then a new customer is always created - no deduping is done -->
<!--Comment: Specify a company class from KhaosControl, Only pre-existing classes will be mapped onto the customer record. Case Sensitive. -->
<!--Comment: Specify a company type from KhaosControl, Only pre-existing types will be mapped onto the customer record. Case Sensitive. -->
<!-- If company name is left blank, KhaosControl will construct a name based on the contact details -->
<COMPANY_NAME>Keystone Software Development Ltd</COMPANY_NAME>
<!--Comment: Company Source Code. -->
<!--Comment: 1 - Our use and any 3rd parties, 2 - Our use and selected 3rd parties, 3 - Our use and no 3rd parties, 5 - Do not mail-->
<!--Comment: -1 = True, 0 = False-->
<!-- VAT no. -->
<!-- User defined properties -->
<ADDITIONAL NAME="Security Question">Mother's Maiden Name</ADDITIONAL>
<ADDITIONAL NAME="Favourite Colour">Salmon Pink</ADDITIONAL>
<!-- Project 63 only - Gift Aid. Boolean field (-1, 0) This will apply to new customers only -->
<!-- In addresses, the ADDRESS1, POSTCODE, and contact (TITLE/FORENAME/SURNAME) fields should be set -->
<!-- Other fields are optional but are recommended, particularly COUNTRY_CODE -->
<IADDRESS1>Example address 1</IADDRESS1>
<IADDRESS2>Example address 2</IADDRESS2>
<!--Comment: If both Country fields are blank the system default will be assumed ie. GBR, United Kingdom. Country Code is used if available. Country Name is only used if Code is blank. -->
<!--Comment: contact.email_subscriber: Tickbox (-1 or 0) -->
<!--Comment: If empty delivery address details then the system will use invoice address as above-->
<!--Comment: If both Country fields are blank the system default will be assumed ie. GBR, United Kingdom. Country Code is used if available. Country Name is only used if Code is blank. -->
<!--Comment: contact.email_subscriber: Tickbox -->
<!--Payments for orders are not in KhaosControl system currency, they are assumed to be of the same currency as the order.-->
<!--Comment: 0 = Cash, 1 = Cheque, 2 = Credit Card, 3 = Account, 4 = Voucher-->
<!--Comment: Card number can also be used as voucher reference or cheque reference-->
<!--Comment: The Following fields can be used when payment (of type 2 only) has already been taken or pre-authed. -->
<!--Comment: If the AUTH_CODE is not empty the payment will be treated as PAID unless PREAUTH is TRUE. -->
<!--Comment: To process an authorisation following a preauth transaction, all information used must match that used in the preauth transaction.-->
<!--Comment: -1 = True, 0 = False.-->
<!--Comment: AUTH_CODE, e.g. Protx TxAuthNo (for Protx) -->
<!--Comment: TRANSACTION_ID, e.g. Protx VPSTxID (for Protx) or OrderID (HSBC XML/API) -->
<!--Comment: PREAUTH_REF, Reference used when Online transaction was made. ie. the Protx VendorTxCode. Needed to complete a preauth, or refund transaction through KhaosControl. -->
<!--Comment: SECURITY_REF, Protx SecurityKey Encryption reference. Needed to complete a preauth, or refund transaction through KhaosControl. -->
<!--Comment: SECURITY_COMMENT, (Optional) Protx AVSCV2, (Address and CV2 matched / Address match only / CV2 match only etc. -->
<!--Comment: ACCOUNT_NUMBER, (Optional) Number of account in KhaosControl to charge card against, if multiple accounts are set up -->
<!-- To successfully import a preauth the following fields are needed:
From Protx:
-Preauth must be -1
-AuthCode, Transaction_ID, Preauth_Ref and Security_Ref must be non-blank and contain the details returned by Protx from the preauth
-Security_Comment should be filled in with AAV results if possible (not required)
-Preauth must be -1
-Transaction_ID should have the order ID from the original preauth transaction - the other fields are not required for HSBC
<!--Comment: Date format: yyyy-mm-dd or yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss, other date formats SHOULD NOT BE USED -->
<DELIVERY_DATE>2024-01-21 10:11:22</DELIVERY_DATE>
<!--Comment: Used to check against order total calculated in Khaos Control-->
<!--Comment: If ORDER_CURRENCY_CODE is blank the currency will default to the Khaos Control System currency (normally GBP)-->
<!--Please specify the 3 character Currency Code, associated with the currency in Khaos Control (System Data/Currencies) ie. GBP / USD / EUR etc.-->
<!--Comment: Usually the web generated order reference. -->
<!-- This should be unique across all orders: it is used to make sure the same order is not imported twice -->
<!--Comment: Could be used to record comments from customers or to describe special delivery instructions, this will appear on KhaosControl Delivery Note Documentation.-->
<!--Comment: Could be used to record comments from customers or to describe special delivery instructions, this will appear on KhaosControl Invoice Documentation.-->
<!--Comment: Use net & tax (VAT) OR grs. If grs is used amount is assumed to be VATable-->
<!--Specify -1 to disable delivery -->
<!--Any other value for delivery (inc. zero) is saved against the order as the delivery charge -->
<!--If the tags are blank/missing then the system will calculate its own delivery charges -->
<!--Comment: Specify either courier code OR courier description. Code is preferred (more likely to be unique) -->
<!--Comment: Specify a promotion code from KhaosControl, Only pre-existing codes will be mapped onto the order. Discounts will be applied after order import, so any prices / order totals should be original prices prior to any discounts or reductions.-->
<!--Comment: Specify a source code from KhaosControl, Only pre-existing codes will be mapped onto the order. Case Sensitive. -->
<!--Comment: Courier note is actually recorded against the DELIVERY address, overwriting any notes already present -->
<!--Comment: Select a priority to record against the invoice (set up in KhaosControl / SystemData) -->
<!--Comment: Invoice priority matches on description only at the moment, not 'code' or 'mark' -->
<!-- Project 63 only - Gift Aid. Boolean field (-1, 0). This will override the customers default. -->
<!-- Custom properties - only set after discussion with Keystone Software -->
<!-- This field contains a stock code or other_ref value - see MAPPING_TYPE field -->
<!--Comment: 1 = Above stock code relates to the Khaos Control "stock code" value, 2 = Stock code relates to the Khaos Control "other ref" value, 3 = External mapping file used for stock code resolution, 4 = Match on Stock Description (not recommended!) -->
<!-- If no description specified, the system will use the default description against the stock item. -->
<!-- Recommended to be specified so description on printouts matches website description -->
<!--Comment: Can be used as a comment or note against each order line-->
<EXTENDED_DESC>Please fit with brass handles.</EXTENDED_DESC>
<!--Comment: Use either net OR grs. If both are used only net will be actioned-->
<!--Comment: 1 - Standard (17.5%), 2 - Zero, 4 - Reduced (15%), >4 user defined-->
<!--Comment: Do not include a tax rate directly (eg 17.5), you must use the codes mentioned above (1, 2, ...) -->
<!--Comment: Optional fields that are used in mapping Size, Colour, Style situations-->