024788: Ability to amend/cancel orders through webservices

Note: This functionality is not enabled by default. Please email development for more information

1.      Overview

KCSL have added new webservices calls to enable the ability to amend/cancel orders through Webservices.

2.      Specification

Addition of new webservices calls to add the ability to amend/cancel orders through Webservices. “AmendOrder”, “CancelOrder”


Added extended Error handling:

·        Mismatched order

·        Order is not a web service order (reject ebay etc).

·        Order not in an editable stage

·        Order cannot be cancelled or edited.

·        Order already being shipped / has been shipped / issued and cannot be cancelled or amended.

·        Payment already processed (if the Preauth has been authorised the order cannot be edited or cancelled)

·        Payment cannot be deleted - too much time has passed.


Notes/ caveats

·        It is only possible to Amend / Cancel Web Service imported orders, orders from other channels like eBay etc cannot be edited and any requests to do so would be rejected.

·        Payments having been processed beyond preauth would cause an abort.

·        Refunding of cancelled orders is not in scope, the pre-auth on the orders would just be deleted.

·        The call is restricted to orders placed within the last 48 hrs, if an order was older than this the amend attempts would be rejected.

·        When running the amend function, it calls the delete function and then calls the standard import orders function, effectively replacing the old order with the new one. As a result, all order data must be included in the amendment as no data is copied from the original except for the sorder code and associated reference.

3.      Configuration

An update and a changelog will be applied as part of this development.

4.      Usage

Below are the two Schemas for “OrderCancel” and “AmendOrder”. Amend order largely follows the format of an Import.

Cancel Order schema:

   <!--KhaosControl Standard XML Delete Sales Order -->
<!--Comment: The code used to identify the order to be deleted-->
<!--Limit: 30 characters -->
<!--Comment: 0 = SORDER_ID, 1 = SORDER_CODE, 2 = ASSOCIATED_REF -->
<!--Comment: The reason the sales order is being deleted-->
<!--Limit: 50 characters -->
<REASON>Customer cancelled</REASON>

Amend Order schema:

<!--KhaosControl Standard XML Import version 1.17 -->
<!--Comment: -1 = True, 0 = False-->
<!--Comment: If false, update customer details from values (matching on COMPANY_CODE) instead of creating new-->
<!--If true, then a new customer is always created - no deduping is done -->
<!--Comment: Specify a company class from KhaosControl, Only pre-existing classes will be mapped onto the customer record. Case Sensitive. -->
<!--Comment: Specify a company type from KhaosControl, Only pre-existing types will be mapped onto the customer record. Case Sensitive. -->
<!-- If company name is left blank, KhaosControl will construct a name based on the contact details -->
<COMPANY_NAME>Keystone Software Development Ltd</COMPANY_NAME>
<!--Comment: Company Source Code. -->
<!--Comment: 1 - Our use and any 3rd parties, 2 - Our use and selected 3rd parties, 3 - Our use and no 3rd parties, 5 - Do not mail-->
<!--Comment: -1 = True, 0 = False-->
<!-- VAT no. -->
<!-- User defined properties -->
<ADDITIONAL NAME="Security Question">Mother's Maiden Name</ADDITIONAL>
<ADDITIONAL NAME="Favourite Colour">Salmon Pink</ADDITIONAL>
<!-- Project 63 only - Gift Aid. Boolean field (-1, 0) This will apply to new customers only -->

<!-- In addresses, the ADDRESS1, POSTCODE, and contact (TITLE/FORENAME/SURNAME) fields should be set -->
<!-- Other fields are optional but are recommended, particularly COUNTRY_CODE -->
<IADDRESS1>Example address 1</IADDRESS1>
<IADDRESS2>Example address 2</IADDRESS2>
<!--Comment: If both Country fields are blank the system default will be assumed ie. GBR, United Kingdom. Country Code is used if available. Country Name is only used if Code is blank. -->
<!--Comment: contact.email_subscriber: Tickbox (-1 or 0) -->
<!--Comment: If empty delivery address details then the system will use invoice address as above-->
<!--Comment: If both Country fields are blank the system default will be assumed ie. GBR, United Kingdom. Country Code is used if available. Country Name is only used if Code is blank. -->
<!--Comment: contact.email_subscriber: Tickbox -->
<!--Payments for orders are not in KhaosControl system currency, they are assumed to be of the same currency as the order.-->
<!--Comment: 0 = Cash, 1 = Cheque, 2 = Credit Card, 3 = Account, 4 = Voucher-->
<!--Comment: Card number can also be used as voucher reference or cheque reference-->
<!--Comment: The Following fields can be used when payment (of type 2 only) has already been taken or pre-authed. -->
<!--Comment: If the AUTH_CODE is not empty the payment will be treated as PAID unless PREAUTH is TRUE. -->
<!--Comment: To process an authorisation following a preauth transaction, all information used must match that used in the preauth transaction.-->
<!--Comment: -1 = True, 0 = False.-->
<!--Comment: AUTH_CODE, e.g. Protx TxAuthNo (for Protx) -->
<!--Comment: TRANSACTION_ID, e.g. Protx VPSTxID (for Protx) or OrderID (HSBC XML/API) -->
<!--Comment: PREAUTH_REF, Reference used when Online transaction was made. ie. the Protx VendorTxCode. Needed to complete a preauth, or refund transaction through KhaosControl. -->
<!--Comment: SECURITY_REF, Protx SecurityKey Encryption reference. Needed to complete a preauth, or refund transaction through KhaosControl. -->
<!--Comment: SECURITY_COMMENT, (Optional) Protx AVSCV2, (Address and CV2 matched / Address match only / CV2 match only etc. -->
<!--Comment: ACCOUNT_NUMBER, (Optional) Number of account in KhaosControl to charge card against, if multiple accounts are set up -->
<!-- To successfully import a preauth the following fields are needed:
From Protx:
-Preauth must be -1
-AuthCode, Transaction_ID, Preauth_Ref and Security_Ref must be non-blank and contain the details returned by Protx from the preauth
-Security_Comment should be filled in with AAV results if possible (not required)
-Preauth must be -1
-Transaction_ID should have the order ID from the original preauth transaction - the other fields are not required for HSBC
<!--Comment: Date format: yyyy-mm-dd or yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss, other date formats SHOULD NOT BE USED -->
<DELIVERY_DATE>2024-01-21 10:11:22</DELIVERY_DATE>
<!--Comment: Used to check against order total calculated in Khaos Control-->
<!--Comment: If ORDER_CURRENCY_CODE is blank the currency will default to the Khaos Control System currency (normally GBP)-->
<!--Please specify the 3 character Currency Code, associated with the currency in Khaos Control (System Data/Currencies) ie. GBP / USD / EUR  etc.-->
<!--Comment: Usually the web generated order reference. -->
<!-- This should be unique across all orders: it is used to make sure the same order is not imported twice -->
<!--Comment: Could be used to record comments from customers or to describe special delivery instructions, this will appear on KhaosControl Delivery Note Documentation.-->
<!--Comment: Could be used to record comments from customers or to describe special delivery instructions, this will appear on KhaosControl Invoice Documentation.-->
<!--Comment: Use net & tax (VAT) OR grs. If grs is used amount is assumed to be VATable-->
<!--Specify -1 to disable delivery -->
<!--Any other value for delivery (inc. zero) is saved against the order as the delivery charge -->
<!--If the tags are blank/missing then the system will calculate its own delivery charges -->
<!--Comment: Specify either courier code OR courier description. Code is preferred (more likely to be unique) -->
<!--Comment: Specify a promotion code from KhaosControl, Only pre-existing codes will be mapped onto the order. Discounts will be applied after order import, so any prices / order totals should be original prices prior to any discounts or reductions.-->
<!--Comment: Specify a source code from KhaosControl, Only pre-existing codes will be mapped onto the order. Case Sensitive. -->
<!--Comment: Courier note is actually recorded against the DELIVERY address, overwriting any notes already present -->
<!--Comment: Select a priority to record against the invoice (set up in KhaosControl / SystemData) -->
<!--Comment: Invoice priority matches on description only at the moment, not 'code' or 'mark' -->
<!-- Project 63 only - Gift Aid. Boolean field (-1, 0). This will override the customers default. -->
<!-- Custom properties - only set after discussion with Keystone Software -->
<!-- This field contains a stock code or other_ref value - see MAPPING_TYPE field -->
<!--Comment: 1 = Above stock code relates to the Khaos Control "stock code" value, 2 = Stock code relates to the Khaos Control "other ref" value, 3 = External mapping file used for stock code resolution, 4 = Match on Stock Description (not recommended!) -->
<!-- If no description specified, the system will use the default description against the stock item. -->
<!-- Recommended to be specified so description on printouts matches website description -->
<!--Comment: Can be used as a comment or note against each order line-->
<EXTENDED_DESC>Please fit with brass handles.</EXTENDED_DESC>
<!--Comment: Use either net OR grs. If both are used only net will be actioned-->
<!--Comment: 1 - Standard (17.5%), 2 - Zero, 4 - Reduced (15%), >4 user defined-->
<!--Comment: Do not include a tax rate directly (eg 17.5), you must use the codes mentioned above (1, 2, ...) -->
<!--Comment: Optional fields that are used in mapping Size, Colour, Style situations-->

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