024834 Changes to FedEx Webservices V28

1.         Overview

KCSL have enhanced  Khaos Control, to allow for the FedEx courier integration to export the SO number rather than or as well as the invoice id.


2.        Specification

Requirement from the development:

Currently our Fedex Webservices V28 integration exports Invoice ID to FedEx which displays on the Label. The change allows the SO number to be sent to FedEx so it can be displayed on the label instead of INV.

Changes that KCSL will make:

Add a courier option which controls the export of the Invoice / So number. The options would be:

* "Export Invoice ID" - this will be the default and export the invoice ID as it does now.

* "Export So Number" - this will export the SO number in the "Customer Reference" section as Fedex currently do not have a field for SO type specifically.

* "Export Invoice ID and So Number" - this would export an additional reference using the ENUM type of CUSTOMER_REFERENCE

 Add the processing code to read the option and implement the changes to the exported data based on the options.

 3.    Configuration

An update and a changelog will be applied as part of this development.

 This will have created a new option for the ‘FedEx Web Service v28’ type couriers in the configuration screen.

Figure 1 : New courier option.


The options are :

Blank (Default).                                              The invoice id is exported.

Export SO number.                                       The sorder code is exported.

Export Invoice Id.                                          The invoice id is exported.

Export Invoice Id and SO number.              Both the invoice id and sorder code is exported.


4.                Usage

After applying the above Configuration, typical steps for usage would include the following.



When an order is assigned to the FedEx courier then included in the export file can be the invoice id, sorder code or both.

It is included in the customer transaction id section.


a. Sales Order code.

<CustomerTransactionId>FedEx; SO#: [S119385]</CustomerTransactionId>


b. Invoice id.

<CustomerTransactionId>FedEx; InvID: [MNCZ4E04014874J]</CustomerTransactionId>


c. Both.

<CustomerTransactionId>FedEx; InvID: [MNCZ4E04014874J] SO#: [S119385]</CustomerTransactionId>

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