024901 Kefron Integration
1. Overview
KCSL have enhanced Khaos Control to include an integration with Kefron.
2. 2. Specification
KCSL will development a Kefron Integration based on PCT that has been done.
Information about the integration:
Implement file export (for the DN/GRN/PI data) with the agreed format, must include GRNitemID and invoice_id and invitem_id and invoice prices. File export format based on Export example.xlsx, PO0029363.xlsx,GRN0018138.xlsx
Implement / confirm tracking of invoice edits, such that when documents are edited, the latest version will be sent to Kefron.
Any red-flags found in KEFRON will be addressed manually In Khaos Control and the PI in Khaos Control updated. There will be no automation around address red flags.
Once the red-flags have been manually handled, the revised DN/GRN/PI combination will be re-sent to Kefron for matching through the export process.
Implement import mechanism which KC will import using the same file format (it needs a field to indicate the STATUS on Kefron which will drive what KC does with the data), the expectation based on the above to match to DN/GRN/PI to post the PI if the information matches.
This will FTP based on info from Kefron ERP documentation.
Implement settings / options for the FTP credentials to be entered and paths to be stored for the integration.
Endpoint / import / export mechanism to include an option to dump the file and import from a file system so Testing can use this for internal testing and will be able to manipulate the files to engineer the needed tests.
Caveat - these points are predicated on KC export a set of DN/GRN/PI line data and receiving it back when it has been approved outside of Khaos Control.
If the data does not match it will NOT be sent back to Khaos Control but manual edit processes will deal with any discrepancies and make alterations to the data in Khaos Control for re-export to Kefron. Upon which a one to one matching response will be received and processed allowing KC to post the invoices mentioned to the accounts. Anything sent back which does not match will be rejected and will not be updated or posted to the purchase invoice.
3. Configuration
An update and a changelog will be applied as part of this development. Further configuration steps are as follows.
3.1 Kefron ini options.
New options will have been added to the [ System Operations | Edit ini options | Webservices ] section.
Name. | Description. | Example Value. |
KefronFTPDirectoryExport | Directory on the FTP/FTPS site where the export files will be stored. | /Export |
KefronFTPDirectoryImport | Directory on the FTP/FTPS site where the import files will be looked for. | /Import |
KefronFTPHost | FTP/FTPS site to be used. |
KefronFTPPass | Password to the FTP/FTPS site. | Password |
KefronFTPPassive | Is the FTP/FTPS access active or passive. |
KefronFTPS | Security Level | 0 (FTP), -1 (FTPS), -2 (SFTP), -3 (SFTPWithPrivateKey) |
KefronFTPUser | Username to access the FTP/FTPS site. | User |
3.2 Export file format expectations.
a. PO.
Name. | Description. | Example. |
KHAOS_ID | Unique ID. | 30143-208684 |
Supplier_name | Supplier Name. | N&R Ldedibbp |
Supplier_code | Supplier Code. | A&MPRINT |
Po_number | PO Number. | PO0030162 |
Net_total | Net Total. | 10 |
Order_total | Gross Total. | 12 |
LI_productcode | Stock Code. | PAC-210 |
LI_description | Stock Description. | Atla CVS |
LI_quantity | Quantity ordered. | 10 |
LI_unit_price | Gross unit value. | 1.2 |
LI_net | Net unit value. | 1 |
LI_discP | Discount %. | 0 |
LI_DiscL | Discount Amount. | 0 |
LI_TAX | Tax Total. | 2 |
LI_Supplier_Ref | Supplier stock item reference. | REF001 |
3.3 Import file format expectations.
Name. | Description. | Example. |
ID | Unique ID. | 30143-208684 |
Supplier_name | Supplier Name. | R & V Srcrco Xfywprwwg Kiy |
Supplier_code | Supplier URN Code. | 0018454 |
Invoice_number | Invoice Number. | 19023 |
PO_number | PO Number. | PO0030144 |
Invoice_date | Invoice Date. | 21/08/2024 |
Currency | Currency. | GBP |
Net_total | Net Total. | 100 |
Tax_total | Tax Total. | 20 |
Invoice_total | Invoice Total. | 120 |
LI_Stock_Code | Stock Code. | PAC-210 |
LI_Description | Stock Description. | Atla CVS |
LI_Quantity | Quantity ordered. | 10 |
LI_Unit_Price | Line Unit Price. | 1.2 |
LI_Net | Line Net. | 1 |
LI_VAT_Code | VAT Code. | 1 |
LI_Tax | Line Tax. | 20 |
3.4 KSDMU batch file.
a. Export routine example.
<path>\KSDMU.exe CONNECT:<database> Action=KefronExport FileDumpLocation="K:\export\" DisableSFTP=0 --NOGUI OutputFile="K:\KSDMU.log"
b. Import routine.
<path>\KSDMU.exe CONNECT:<database> Action=KefronImport Verbose=ALL ImportFileLocation="K:\import" DisableSFTP=0 --NOGUI OutputFile="K:\KSDMU.log"
3.5 Configuration within Kefron to match the Khaos Control exports/ imports.
This configuration is not covered by this development.
1. 4. Usage
After applying the above Configuration, typical steps for usage would include the following.
1. A Purchase order is created in Khaos Control, from it a GRN is created when the stock is delivered from the supplier.
2. When the GRN is processed, a corresponding DN and PINV are created. At this time the PINV does not have the ‘Post Invoice’ option ticked.
3. The KSDMU ‘KefronExport’ function will then create files of the following types in the FTP site.
4. The KSDMU ‘KefronImport’ function will then take a file
relating to the PINV and tick the ‘Post Invoice’ option along with creating the
account journals.