024977 HHT2.0 Option to have qty of goods in -1 rather then expected QTY

1.               Overview


KCSL have enhanced the HHT 2.0 integration within Khaos Control to allow the default quantities to be -1 rather than the full quantity, when booking in stock.


2.         2.    Specification

When booking in items using the HHT, the default qty is set to -1, rather than the expected qty, so users do not accidentally book in the full qty on part-delivered shipments

Changes that KCSL will make:

Add new user profile for the Goods In behaviour to Auto populate qty with -1.


3.               Configuration

An update and a changelog will be applied as part of this development. Further configuration steps are as follows.

 The functionality is based upon an option configured for each user profile.

[ System Data | Users | Right click and select ‘Define Profiles’ ]

Accept any requests

Then in the Profile Management dialog select the profile concerned and then the ‘HHT2 Profiles’ tab.

The new option is called ‘Auto Populate Qty – Goods In’.

When ticked the previous functionality of the full quantity is used.

When unticked the new functionality of the quantity being -1 is used.


1.           4.     Usage

After applying the above Configuration, typical steps for usage would include the following.


1. For a User linked to a profile with the new ‘Auto Populate Qty – Goods In’ option unticked.

When they go to the HHT 2 screen, where the stock item quantity is selected when booking in stock, the default quantity will be -1


2.  For a User linked to a profile with the new ‘Auto Populate Qty – Goods In’ option ticked.

When they go to the HHT 2 screen, where the stock item quantity is selected when booking in stock, the default quantity will be the full remaining quantity of the stock item. 


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