Email Manager Message Template Tags
![]() | Setting up Email Message Templates is an Advanced User feature. |
The Available Tags are displayed when setting up Email Message Templates; the Trigger Type selected will determine which tags are available for use. The Available Tags inserted into the Message Template will determine what information replaces them when the email is created.
The INVOICE, PURCHASE ORDER and REFUND tags have different coloured backgrounds:
- Yellow: the tags listed in yellow are used with the Item Template and To Follow Item Template fields and are placed in the Message Template body. When the email is sent the information defined in the fields Item Template and To Follow Item Template are listed in the main body of the email located where the yellow tags have been placed.
Note: the To Follow Item Template does not work with part-shipped items. - Blue: the blue tags are used in the Item Template and To Follow Item Template to build up column headings for the data. For example, $QTY_TOFOLLOW will insert the number of stock items still to be sent, and could be used like this: $QTY_TOFOLLOW of $STOCK_CODE - $ITEM_NAME.
The Available Tags area has the following columns:
- Tag Desc: the description of the tag.
- Tag Name: the tag text that will be added into the main Message Template Area and will be replaced by the corresponding data when the email is sent to the addressee.
The different type of Trigger Rules are:
Back order
Emails can be sent out to customers to inform them of the status of their back ordered stock items, based on the status of their associated purchase order line. The Back Order Available Trigger Types are used when setting up these emails, see Back Order Trigger Type Tags for a detailed list of all the tags that can be used. There are two steps required to setup the system to send these emails, see How To: Setup Emails to be sent based on your Purchase Order Line Status.
Cat Request
The Cat Request available tags are for emails generated when catalogues are processed, see Cat Request Trigger Type Tags for a detailed list of all the tags that can be used. The Message Template is associated with a Trigger Rule so emails are automatically generated and sent when catalogues move between the stages specified in the Trigger Rule.
Company Email
The Company Email available tags are used for emails sent to customers and suppliers from company records, Sales Orders and the List Manager for example:
- Sending out customer service emails for example about a new range of stock the customer has enquired about or the status of a complaint they have made;
- Emailing a customer from a sales order with information about a stock item;
- Emailing the latest promotion to a list of customers using the List Manager.
For a detailed list of all the tags that can be used see Company Email Trigger Type Tags. For the list of where the Company emails are sent from see Where can emails be sent from in Khaos Control?. For a detailed list of all the tags that can be used see Company Email Trigger Type Tags.
Invoice Trigger Type available tags are used for emails, normally sent automatically as a result of orders moving from one stage to another, in the Sales Invoice Manager, for example How To: Setup 'Your Order has Shipped' Invoice Emails. For a detailed list of all the tags that can be used see Invoice Trigger Type Tags.
Manual Trigger Type available tags are used when using the CSV Email Creator Dialog, see How To: Create emails using the CSV Email Creator.
Purchase Order
The Purchase Order available tags are for emails generated and automatically sent as a result of the user creating or updating a purchase order, see How To: Setup Purchase Order Emails. For a detailed list of all the tags that can be used see Purchase Order Trigger Type Tags.
The Refund tags are for emails generated for customers that have had a payment that resulted from a Return Credit Note refunded since the last time that the routine was run, see How To: Setup Payment Refund Emails. For a detailed list of all the tags that can be used see Refund Trigger Type Tags.
The Report tags are for manually emailing reports generated in Khaos Control for example emailing statements, Delivery Notes, Purchase Orders, see How To: Send a Manual Email. For a detailed list of all the tags that can be used see Report Trigger Type Tags.
The Return tags are for emails generated and automatically sent as a result of the user creating and then saving a customer return, see How To: Generate a Return Acknowledgement email . For a detailed list of all the tags that can be used see Return Trigger Type Tags.
Sales Order Acknowledgement
The Sales Order Acknowledgement tags are for emails generated and automatically sent as a result of Sales Order Acknowledgements moving from one stage to another in the Sales Invoice Manager, for example How To: Send an Email for a Sales Order Acknowledgement. For a detailed list of all the tags that can be used see SO Acknowledge Trigger Type Tags. This option also allows for the Agent to be added into the s CC or BCC'd field so a copy of the email is sent to the agent.