Email Manager Rule Setup

![]() | Setting up Email Trigger Rules is an Advanced User feature. |
The [ Email Manager | Rule Setup ]
screen is used to set up triggers that prompt the system to create an email and possibly send it, see How To: Setup Email Trigger Rules for the guide to setting up trigger rules.
Note: each condition has to be true at the same time in order for the rule to work, see trigger rule examples.
Examples of trigger rules are:
- When saving a purchase order the system will create and send an email to the supplier with the purchase order attached as a pdf.
- When a sales invoice moves from Invoicing to Shipping in the
[ Sales Invoice Manager ]
screen the system will send an email to a customer to inform them that their goods are being shipped, see How To: Setup 'Your Order has Shipped' Invoice Emails and for the screen shots of this example see Email Message Template Shipped Example. - Emails can be triggered if they are of a certain sales order type, for example; sales order, proforma, quotation, return credit and return exchange, see How To: Setup Emails Triggered on Sales Order Type and the screen shots for this example, Email Sales Order Type Example.
- New sales orders with a brand that on save goes into Staging in the Sales Invoice Manager, see How To: Setup Branded 'Thank you for your order' Emails and the screen shots for this example, Email Brand Example.
The [ Email Manager | Rule Setup ]
screen is divided up into four areas:
Setup and Help
- Rule Code: the trigger rule code.
- Rule Description: the trigger rule description.
- Trigger Type: defines the area in the system where the trigger rule can be activated. The following options are available:
- BACK ORDER: triggered by changes in purchase order line status and not configured in this screen, see How To: Setup Emails to be sent based on your Purchase Order Line Status and How To: Send Emails based on your Purchase Order Line Status.
- CAT REQUEST: for emails generated in relation to something happening in the catalogue request process.
- COMPANY EMAIL: for customer-based emails (for example, letting customers know about a new special offer).
- INV PRIORITY: for emails triggered by the change in one Invoice Priority value to another.
- INVOICE: for emails generated in relation to something happening the Invoice Manager.
- MANUAL: for emails that do not fit into the above categories (this format can use an external csv file to provide the available tags for the template).
- PURCHASE ORDER: for emails generated in relation to purchase ordering.
- REPORT EMAIL: used for manually emailing reports generated in Khaos Control.
- REFUND: for emails generated for customers that have has a payment that resulted from a Return Credit Note refunded since the last time that the routine was run.
- REPORT EMAIL: for sending customer statements, invoices, etc. manually.
- RETURN: for automatic emailing when a return has been received.
- SO ACKNOWLEDGE: for sending customers sales order acknowledgements.
- VOUCHERS REMIND:for reminding customers about voucher expiry dates.
- Message Template: the message template that is to be used with the trigger rule.
- Subscribers Only checkbox: if ticked will send the email only to the customers with E-Mailing List Subscriber ticked in their
[ Customer | Detail | Address ]
tab. - Attach PDF checkbox: if ticked will attach a copy of the document (report) to the email when it is sent.
- Attach CRM Documents checkbox: if ticked it will attach copies of documents that have been appended to the Customer's CRM record and linked to the relevant sales order using the Communications Log context menu.
- Send Email Immediately checkbox: if ticked then the email will be automatically sent and not held in the Pending emails section.
- Active: ticked indicates that the Trigger Rule is enabled.
The and
buttons add and remove conditions from the Available Conditions to the Active Conditions areas below. The comparisons that can be used are:
- <: less than
- <=: less than or equal to
- =: equal
- >: greater than
- >=: greater than or equal to
- <>: NOT
- in: used with the CUSTOMER OPTIONS condition (one or more in a list of ticked options applies to the customer)
- !in: used with the CUSTOMER OPTIONS condition (none of a list of ticked options applies to the customer)
- Contains UDA: any of the items in the sales invoice contain the specified Text UDA
- All Contain UDA: all of the items in the sales invoice contain the specified Text UDA
- Does Not Contain UDA: none of the items in the sales invoice contain the specified Text UDA
Available Conditions
The available conditions will depend on the Trigger Type selected, some do not have conditions. The following Trigger Types have conditions that can be applied:
- FIRST INVOICE: uses a comparison of "=" and a lookup value of "Yes". If no other criteria are specified then an email will be sent when the order is first saved, however will not be when edited and saved in the future. Other clauses may be added (for example when the invoice is moved between shipping and issue) and the FIRST INVOICE flag will work in conjunction with these " it will send the email once but the same rule will not send further emails related to invoices for that sales order.
- SORDER BRAND: allows brand-specific templates to be used, so emails for a Sales Order will only be sent if the brand in the email rule matches that set in the
[ Sales Orders | Additional ]
screen. - SORDER TYPE
- UDA_STOCK: this only works with Text type UDAs.
Active Conditions
The Active Conditions grid contains the triggers that cause the system to create an email, possibly with a pdf and send the email if it has been set up to do so. Conditions are added into the Active Conditions field by using the button and removed using the
button. The grid column headings are:
- Desc: the description of the Active Condition.
- Comparison: the comparison as per the Help section.
- Lookup Value (Ctrl+F8): this will bring up a popup so the user can select an option depending on the condition.
Lookup Value
- OLD STATUS and NEW STATUS: the stages in the area used for processing catalogue requests
- To be Printed
- Issue
- Archived
- New Request
- Issue
- To be Printed
- COMPANY CLASS: lists the Company Classes as set up on your system in
[ System Data | Company | Company Classes ]
. - CONSIGNMENT REF: allows the user to enter a value.
- COURIER: lists the courier as set up on your system in
[ System Data | Sales Order Processing | Couriers ]
. - CUSTOMER COUNTRY: lists the Countries as set up in
[ System Data |International |Countries ]
- Statement by Email
- Force Terms Hold
- Free Delivery
- INVOICE PRIORITY: lists the invoice priorities as set up on your system in
[ System Data | Sales Order Processing | Invoice Priorities ]
. - SALE SOURCE: lists the sales source as set up on your system in
[ System Data | Sales Order Processing | Sale Source ]
. - SORDER BRAND: lists the brand as set up on your system in
[ System Data | Sales Order Processing | Branding ]
- Credit Note: a credit note.
- Proforma Order: a proforma type order.
- Quotation: quotation.
- Sales Order: sales order.
- OLD INVOICE STATUS and NEW INVOICE STATUS: lists all the stages in the
[ Sales Invoice Manager | Stages ]
including Credits, Quotations etc.
- None
- New
- Updated
- New
- None