How To: Find out who is logged-on

There are two ways of checking who is logged-on to Khaos Control:

  1. From the Help About dialog; or
  2. From the splash screen.

Splash screen

You can also display the names of any logged-on users, without first needing to logon yourself:

  1. Click on the Khaos Control login icon on your desktop.
  2. In the Login popup click the "Who's Logged In?" at the top right of the splash screen:

The Khaos Control login screen (also known as the 'splash' screen), showing who is logged-on.

Help About dialog

If you are already logged-in to Khaos Control:

  1. Go to the File menu at the top of the screen.
  2. Click on the Help menu option.
  3. Select "About...", the About popup will be displayed listing various information about your Khaos Control system (such as the number of licenced users) and displaying the names of any logged-on users:

See Also

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