How to: Import from File

The CSV grid import functionality is quite flexible and can be used to import a column of data into many of the grids within Khaos Control. There is no fixed file format as such, just be aware of which column in the CSV file you need to import into a specific grid column within Khaos Control. Two examples of importing data are listed below:

WARNING: It is essential to ensure that grid sorting is consistent across export / import, as the system performs no matching and will blindly import rows in the sequence provided in the CSV file.

Importing Nominal Accounts

In the following example the CSV file called nominals.csv and it contains nominal account codes and descriptions as below:

4000Sales type A
4001Sales type B
4002Sales type C
4009Discounts allowed
4200Sale of Assets
4400Credit charges (late payments)
4900Miscellaneous income
4901Royalties received
4902Commissions received
4903Insurance claims
4904Rent income
4905Distribution & carriage

Import the Nominal Codes

  1. Open an Accounts screen (show me how).
  2. Open the [ Accounts | Nominal Accounts | Nominal Accounts ].
  3. Press Alt+E or click the green triangle icon is the buttonbar's EDIT button to enter edit mode.
  4. Focus on a line in the Code column in the grid.
  5. Click on the Grid Menu button button found to the left of grid column headings and select Tools then Import from File from the options.
  6. Locate nominals.csv file.
  7. The system will prompt for the column number to import (in the example file above, nominal account code appears in column 1) enter this value.
  8. In the next popup the system will ask whether the CSV file contains titles.
    Note: the example file above does contain titles / headers, but these are not mandatory.
  9. In the Add new items [Yes] or update existing items [No]? popup click on Yes.
  10. The system creates a new nominal account for each line in the CSV file, and populates the Code column with the values from column 1 of the CSV.

Import the Nominal Descriptions

The process to import the nominal account descriptions is very similar to importing the codes:

  1. Focus on the top imported entry in the Description column.
    Note: this will likely read Nominal Account ###.
  2. Click on the Grid Menu button button found to the left of grid column headings and select Tools then Import from File from the options.
  3. Locate nominals.csv file.
  4. The system will prompt for the column number to import, enter 2.
  5. In the Add new items [Yes] or update existing items [No]? popup click on No.
  6. The system will update the existing nominal code descriptions (starting with the row selected in point 1).
  7. Press Ctrl+S or click the disk icon is the button bar's SAVE button to save.

Importing Customer/Supplier Price Lists

The following example updates the supplier buy price, however, the same process can be used to update Supplier Ref, etc, or indeed any editable grid column within Khaos Control.

Block Updating Suppliers

To make amendments to your customer / supplier price lists in Excel, firstly you will need to assign stock items to the relevant suppliers. If you have not already done so there are several ways to achieve this, however, the fastest method to perform this en masse is to:

  1. Open a Stock screen (show me how).
  2. In the [ Stock | List ]screen filter for then green select all the stock items you wish to update.
  3. Right click in the grid and select Update Selected Stock Items....
  4. The Update Selected Stock Items...dialog is displayed.
  5. Select the appropriate supplier to assign from the drop down and change the Add traffic light to green.
  6. If required, set the Preferred Supplier option and traffic light appropriately.
  7. Click Ok to apply the changes.

Export the Supplier Prices to CSV

Now you have stock items assigned to suppliers, you can export the supplier price list grid to CSV:

  1. Open a Supplier screen (show me how).
  2. Locate and load the supplier and open their [ Supplier Summary | Supplier Stock ] screen.
  3. Click on the Grid Menu button button and select Send to Notepad.
  4. In the Export Columns dialog, select Comma Separated.
  5. Click on OK.
  6. The resulting csv file will be displayed.
  7. Save this CSV file:
    1. Click on File on the Menu Bar and select Save as.
    2. Select All Files from the Save as type dropdown and save the file with a .CSV extension, for example, stock.csv.

The generated CSV file can then be sent to a supplier in order for them to update their prices, supplier references, etc against the stock items using Excel or similar, and returned for re-import.

WARNING: It is necessary to ensure that the order of items within the CSV file does not change, as in the following steps, each row will be imported in the exact sequence present in the CSV file.

Import revised prices from a CSV file

  1. Open a Supplier screen (show me how).
  2. Locate and load the supplier and open their [ Supplier Summary | Supplier Stock ] screen.
  3. Select the Buy Price column on the first row from within the grid.
  4. Click on the Grid Menu button button found to the left of grid column headings and select Tools then Import from File from the options.
  5. Locate the csv file with the buy prices to be imported.
  6. The system will prompt for the column number to import. In the case of CSV files exported from this grid, Buy Price is in column 3, so enter 3.
  7. In the next popup the system will ask whether the CSV file contains titles. Files created using Export to Notepad do contain titles, so select Yes.
  8. In the Add new items [Yes] or update existing items [No]? popup click on No.
  9. The Buy Prices in the grid will be updated to those specified in column 3 of the CSV file.

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