How To: Report on failed Shopify Orders when using New Channels

- WARNING: The information included on this page is only available within Khaos Control if New Channels is enabled
- Type chan into the command window .
- Double click on the relevant Shopify channel.
- Open the
[ Channel | Detail | Imports ]
screen. - Set the Import Status filter to Failed and turn the traffic light filter green.
- Press the refresh button to populate the grid with results.
- Use the Shopify order number, to search the Order Ref column and find the order log.
- See the Error field for why the order has failed.
- If you are unable to ascertain the reason for the failure, then please email Support for assistance.
- If you are able to resolved the issues which caused the failure, see How To: Mark a Channels order for re-import .
Note: Only orders with a status of Paid or Authorised will be imported.