How To: Setup and Use Minimum Purchase Order Value
This functionality prevents Purchase Orders being saved until the minimum order value has been met. The minimum purchase order value is setup per individual supplier. If the total value of the order (excluding delivery) meets the MOV, when the user is able to save the Purchase Order. If the MOV does not meet the MOV , when the user tries to save the Purchase Order a warning message will be displayed, when the user clicks OK, the Purchase Order is not created.
- Open a Supplier screen .
- Open the
[ Details | Financial ]
tab. - Press Alt+E or click
to enter edit mode.
- In the Min PO Value field in the bottom right enter the minimum purchase gross order value excluding delivery.
Note: if left at '0.00' (default) then no minimum is set. - Press Ctrl+S or click
to save.
Using Minimum Order Value
Manual Purchase Order
To create a manual purchase order when the supplier has a minimum order value (MOV) value set:
- Create a manual Purchase Order.
- Add the items to the order, the Order Total field will remain red until the minimum order value has been reached then it will turn green.
- Press Ctrl+S or click
to save the purchase order. If the MOV has been reached the Purchase Order can be saved, if not the order cannot be saved until the MOV is reached.
- The MOV for the supplier is displayed in the Supplier detail section of the Purchase Order header.
- If the Purchase "Order Total" (Gross) is:
- Less Than (<) the MOV then the total will be displayed with the background colour of #.##
- Greater Than (>) the MOV then the total will be displayed with the background colour of #.##
Creating a Purchase Order from Other areas of the System
If a user attempts to create a purchase order from the following areas of the system where the selected supplier has a MOV value set against them, if the MOV is not reached then no purchase order will be created:
- Reordering (Standard) sub-tab
- Reordering (Advanced) sub-tab
- Sales Order
- Back Order (Purchase Ordering)
- See the following for how to create purchase orders: