IOSS Royal Mail Click and Drop


Modifications have been made to the RM Click & Drop Courier allowing IOSS numbers to be sent with shipments. These modifications rely on branding options that have already been created in [ System Data | Branding ].


Once the update has been applied, the steps for configuration are as follows:

Royal Mail Trading Names

  1. Log in to the Royal Mail Click & Drop website using your credentials.
  2. On the main screen select the "Trading Names" option.
  3. Click the "Add a new trading name" button in the top right of the website.
  4. Set the Trading Name field to be the same as the branding name:
  5. Set the Pre-registration tax scheme for the country and set the "European Union" value to be the IOSS code.
    European Union should include the IOSS number

System Data - Couriers

  1. Open the [ System Data | Couriers ] screen.
  2. Select the RM Click & Drop integration and use the context menu > Configuration.
  3. Tick / untick the "Export Brand as Trading Name" as appropriate for European courier configuration:
    1. When on the brand name will be sent as the trading name.
    2. When on and no brand is set the field will export as blank.
    3. When off the field will be exported as blank.


Once configured steps for usage are as follows:

  1. Create a Sales order for a European customer,
  2. Add items and payment,
  3. Move to shipping in the SIM,
  4. Assign to the Royal Mail Click & Drop courier,
  5. Assign to courier, upon assignment the Branding name will be sent up to Royal Mail as part of the exported data as the field "Trading Name".

See Also

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