System Data Link Stock / Packaging


Khaos Control can link specific stock items to specific packaging stock items, so that whenever that stock item is picked and packed the correct packaging item is used. In order for the system to use these settings Packing needs to be enabled in the Sales Invoice Manager. Packaging stock items must be set up with the stock option of 'Packaging Item' ticked in their [ Stock | Details | Options ] screen, see How To: Create a Packaging Stock Item and How To: Set Up Packaging.

Link Stock / Packaging Grid

  • Stock Code: the stock code of the item be be associated with a specific packaging item.
  • Stock Description: the stock description of the item be be associated with a specific packaging item.
  • Packaging: the packaging stock item to be used with the stock item.
  • Auto Pack Qty: the maximum quantity of the stock item to be packed in the packaging.

Link Stock / Packaging Context Menu

  • Apply Value Range: allows the user to specify a value that is to be applied to all of the currently selected rows/items for the current column.
  • Clear Selection: deselects the currently selected line(s).

See Also

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