024236: Add Associated Reference onto Sales Summary - Payment Grid Tab
1. Overview
KCSL have added an Associated Reference column to the [
Sales Summary | Payments ] screen grid.
2. Specification
This builds on 024236: Add Associated Reference onto Sales Summary Payment Grid
Khaos Control will add a new column onto Payment Summary | 8. Payments [tab]
The new column will display the Associated Reference for the SOrder [associated_ref]
The column will be able to be hidden in Grid Profiles [on by default]
If the Associated Reference is blank, the grid should be
displayed blank too i.e., do not show as “N/A”
Changes KCSL will be making:
- Adding new Associated Ref column onto Payment Summary | 8. Payments [tab].
- If the Associated
Reference is blank, the grid will be blank.
3. Configuration
An updated application will be provided with this functionality.
Note that the new column can be configured using the existing ‘configure grid’ option. More info on configuring grids can be found on the wiki:
No further configuration is required.
4. Usage
After applying the above Configuration, typical steps for usage would include:
- Go to [ Sales Summary | Payments ].
- Set the filters as required and click Go.
- See there is a new ‘Associated Ref’ column in the grid, which is populated when the source SO/PO has an associated ref and is left blank when the source SO/PO does not.
- Note that this will apply to old orders created before this change too.
NOTE: Khaos Control already links the items in the [ Sales Summary | Payments ] grid to Sales Orders to display the ‘Order Code’ column, and this development uses that link. That means if a payment does not populate the ‘Order Code’, then the Associated Reference column would also be blank.