Cat Request Trigger Type Tags
Setting up Email Message Templates is an Advanced User feature. |
For the list of types of tags available see Email Manager Message Template Tags.
The Available Tags are displayed when setting up Email Message Templates; the Trigger Type selected will determine which tags are available for use. The Available Tags inserted into the Message Template will determine what information replaces them when the email is created.
The Cat Request available tags are for emails generated when catalogues are processed. The Message Template is associated with a Trigger Rule so emails are automatically generated and sent when catalogues move between the stages specified in the Trigger Rule.
Tag Desc | Tag Name | Description |
Catalogue Code | $CATALOG_CODE | The catalogue code. |
Catalogue Delivery Address | $CATALOG_DELIVERY_ADDR | The address the catalogue is to be delivered to. |
Company Name | $COMPANY_NAME | The name of the company, for example Miss Tegan Smith or Freddies Foods. |
Company URN | $COMPANY_CODE | The company ID. |
Contact Forename | $FORENAME | The first name of the contact. |
Contact Surname | $SURNAME | The last name of the contact. |
Contact Title | $CONTACT_TITLE | The title of the contact. |
Date - Day as 2 digit number | $DATE_DD | Day displayed as a 2 digit number - eg. 02 |
Date - Day as name | $DATE_DNAME | Day name is displayed - eg. Friday |
Date - Day as suffixed number | $DATE_DNUMBER | Day displayed as suffixed number - eg. 2nd |
Date - month as 2 digit number | $DATE_MM | Month displayed as a 2 digit number - eg. 09 |
Date - Year as 4 digit number | $DATE_YYYY | Year displayed as a 4 digit number - eg. 2003 |
Keycode | $KEYCODE_CODE | The Keycode Code associated with the catalogue. |
Keycode Desc | $KEYCODE_DESC | The Keycode Description associated with the catalogue. |