Back Order Trigger Type Tags

Setting up Email Message Templates is an Advanced User feature.

For the list of types of tags available see Email Manager Message Template Tags.

The Available Tags are displayed when setting up Email Message Templates; the Trigger Type selected will determine which tags are available for use. The Available Tags inserted into the Message Template will determine what information replaces them when the email is created.

Emails can be sent out to customers to inform them of the status of their back ordered stock items, based on the status of their associated purchase order line. The Back Order Available Trigger Types are used when setting up these emails. There are two steps required to setup the system to send these emails, see How To: Setup Emails to be sent based on your Purchase Order Line Status.

Tag Desc Tag Name Description
Use this Tag to place Items in your message. $ITEM_TEXT The $ITEM_TEXT tag is placed in the body of the Message Template. The user then builds the content that will replace the $ITEM_TEXT tag when the message is sent by adding the tags with the blue background in the To Follow Item Template field.
Back Order Quantity $QTY The number of items on back order from the Qty Ord in the [ Purchase Order ] grid.
Brand Company $BRAND_COMPANY The brand company name as setup in [ System Data | Branding ]
Brand Email $BRAND_EMAIL The brand email address as setup in [ System Data | Branding ]
Brand Telephone Number $BRAND_TELEPHONE The brand telephone number as setup in [ System Data | Branding ]
Brand Web $BRAND_WEB The brand website address as setup in [ System Data | Branding ]
Company Code $COMPANY_CODE The company ID.
Company Name $COMPANY_NAME The name of the company, for example Miss Tegan Smith or Freddies Foods.
Due Date $DUE_DATE The date the order is due to be delivered from the Due Date in the [ Purchase Order ] grid.
Inv Contact Forename $INV_CON_FORENAME The invoice contact forename as listed on the [ Sales Orders | Addresses ] tab for back order.
Inv Contact Surname $INV_CON_SURNAME The invoice contact surname as listed on the [ Sales Orders | Addresses ] tab for back order.
Inv Contact Title $INV_CON_TITLE The invoice contact title as for the invoice contact listed on the [ Sales Orders | Addresses ] tab for back order.
Purchase Order Code $PORDER_CODE The Purchase Order code from the Order Details area in the [ Purchase Order ] screen.
Sales Order Code $SORDER_CODE The [ Sales Orders ] code from the sales order associated with the back order stock item.
Status Description $STATUS_DESC The description of the Purchase Order Line Status as setup in [ System Data | Purchase Order Line Statuses ].
Stock Code$STOCK_CODE The stock ID
Stock Description $STOCK_DESC Stock item short description.
Date - Day as 2 digit number $DATE_DD Day displayed as a 2 digit number - eg. 02
Date - Day as name $DATE_DNAME Day name is displayed - eg. Friday
Date - Day as suffixed number $DATE_DNUMBER Day displayed as suffixed number - eg. 2nd
Date - month as 2 digit number $DATE_MM Month displayed as a 2 digit number - eg. 09
Date - Year as 4 digit number $DATE_YYYY Year displayed as a 4 digit number - eg. 2003

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