How To: Archive Listings

Training must be completed before using Channel Listings.

Channel Listings is an Advanced User feature.

Listings on Amazon and eBay behave differently when archived:

  • Amazon: listings are archived when they will not be sold again or when you have sold all the items available on Amazon which then automatically ends the listing. When a line is sold out in Amazon the item can be sold again by relisting it.
  • eBay: listings end on eBay automatically when stock is sold out unless the Out Of Stock Control option is enabled in your eBay seller page, the Auction ends or the Listing Duration has been exceeded. The listing should be re-listed if it is to be sold again and the old listing, currently marked as Ended, should be archived.

Archive Listings for Amazon

  1. Open a Web Configuration screen (show me how).
  2. Open the [ Stock | Channel Listings | Listings ] screen.
  3. Click on the Operations button in the Channel Listings Listings Tab. button then Archive button
  4. In the Confirm popup to archive all Delisted and Ended items, click on Ok. The system will archive all Ended and delisted listings.

Archive Listings for eBay

  1. Open a Web Configuration screen (show me how).
  2. Open the [ Stock | Channel Listings | Listings ] screen.
  3. Click on the Operations button in the Channel Listings Listings Tab. button then select Check status and archive button
  4. In the confirm popup click on Ok. The system will check with eBay and archive all items that have Ended or been delisted as long as there are no sales orders waiting to be imported for them.


See Also

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