How To: Reset the Channel Types Values to the Original Listing using Legacy Channels

Training must be completed before using Channel Listings.

Channel Listings is an Advanced User feature.

When relisting items on eBay you may wish to reset the Channel Type Values to those of the original listing, for example if you relisted items with different delivery options on relisting again you wish to revert to the original values.

  1. Open a Web Configuration screen (show me how).
  2. Open the [ Channel Listings | Listings ] screen.
  3. If the status is after waiting approval, but before listed, focus on the listing you wish to update and select 'Stop Auto Listing Selected'. This will change the status to 'Waiting Approval' so you can edit the listing.
  4. Double-click on the eBay listing to load the [ Channel Listings | Listing Details ] screen.
  5. Press Alt+E or click the green triangle icon is the buttonbar's EDIT button to enter edit mode.
  6. Click on the Restore from default button button.
    Note: the button is only visible if the item has been previously listed.
  7. In the popup click on Yes.

    Restore from default message

  8. Press Ctrl+S or click the disk icon is the button bar's SAVE button to save.

Note: the items that have been marked as relisted will have Relisted symbols in the Channel Listings Listings Tab in their Listing ID field in the [ Channel Listings | Listings ] screen.

See Also

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