How To: Book in a Consignment
- Open a Consignment screen .
- Find and load the Consignment to be edited.
- Click on either the:
button if using warehouse control, or
button if not using warehouse control.
- In the Confirm popup click on Yes.
- The next popup will state that a GRN, (or Delivery Note), has been created and the user is able to view it if they wish.
- Click on Yes.
- The following error message is displayed if items on the consignment have already been booked into stock: Could not attach to purchase order POXXX Line ID [YYYYY] for stock code 0001 - (Stock description). Check that there are outstanding amounts available.
- It is not possible to mark an item as Final Delivery if it is linked to a consignment, if a user tries to do this in the On Order screen the following message is displayed: This Purchase Order line is associated with Consignment XXXX. Please remove the Purchase Order line from the Consignment before marking it as Final Delivered.