How To: Join a Subscriber
- Open the Scheduled Shipments Screen and click on the Subscriptions/List tab.
- Double-Click on the subscription you wish to add a subscriber to.
- Focus on the Shipment stock item the subscriber would like to set as their first shipment.
Note: a warning will appear if the item selected is not the first in the list. Regardless of which item is set as the starting point, the shipment dates for a Fixed Subscription will be recalculated to start from the current date. The dates will not be recalculated for a Continuity Subscription. - Click on the
- Use the filters to locate the required customer.
- Click 'Yes' in the popup to confirm that the customer is joining the subscription, and the item that is first that is the first item they will receive.
- In the Shipment popup, if the customer requires all the items in the subscription, leave blank, otherwise enter the number of items the customer wishes to receive.
- Click OK.
The customer's generated shipment schedule will then be displayed. Prices and dates can be edited, prior to saving, at this stage if required.