How To: List Items Again

Training must be completed before using Channel Listings.

Channel Listings is an Advanced User feature.

For eBay channels stock items can be listed again from the category and any sub-categories. This will list the items again in the Channel Listings screen for all the items which are:

  • Archived;
  • Ended;
  • Delisted, or;
  • Have never been listed.
It will NOT create a listing for:
  • Listed;
  • Queued for Verification;
  • Error Listing or in another active or error stage.


  1. Open a Web Configuration screen (show me how).
  2. Focus on the category or subcategory containing the items you wish to list again.
  3. Right-click and from the context menu select List Items Again. The items will appear with a status of Waiting Approval in the [ Channel Listings | Listings ] screen and they can then be listed as normal.


See Also

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