How To: See what has actually been picked using Warehouse Control
It is possible to see what stock items have had a picking location assigned to them and which items have actually been picked in the following areas of the system:
[ Stock | Detail | Locations ]
[ Stock | Adjustments | Adjust (Warehouse) ]
[ Warehouse | Warehouse (Text) | Multi Stock Location grid ]
The following column headings display the difference between sales order items that have been assigned a pick location and those that have also been picked:
- Assigned: the amount of stock that has been assigned a picking location in the Sales Invoice Manager depending on your setting this can either be when the sales order is saved or when the pick sheet is printed (default).
- Picked: this figure is the amount of stock that has actually been picked. It is updated when an invoice is moved from 'Picking' to the next enabled stage in the Sales Invoice Manager.