How To: Use the Parcelforce WDM interface in Sales Invoice manager


Configure the Courier Service(s) to be used

Setup the couriers with the the new Parcelforce courier options in [ System Data | Couriers ].

The fields that you will need to configure are:

  • Courier Name: Set the new courier service names to be "Parcelforce 24" and "Parcelforce 48" respectively.
  • Export Type: Press F4, and then select "Parcelforce WDM Online" from the drop-down menu. This will select the correct settings from the .ini file.
  • Service Code: For Parcelforce 24, enter the number 24; else for Parcelforce 48, set to 48.

Create an Import Template on your Parcelforce WDM website

Once the couriers have been setup, you will then be required to setup a template on your Parcelforce WDM website, so that you are able to import the file that we export from Khaos Control. Here is a list of the fields that we output in the .csv file, which you can use to setup a template accordingly:

Order Field Description
1Business NameCustomer Name MAX 30 Chars
2Address Line 1Address 1 MAX 30 Chars
3Address Line 2Address 2
4Address Line 3Address 3
5Post TownTown MAX 30chrs
6PostcodeMAX 9 chars
7Special Instructions 1MAX 25 chars
8Special Instructions 2MAX 25 chars
9Special Instructions 3MAX 25 chars
10Special Instructions 4MAX 25 chars
11Service CodeThis refers to the Service Code found in [ System Data | Couriers ].
12Reference NumberInvoice Number from Khaos Control
13Shipping Date(DDMMYY) Ship date
14Saturday Delivery RequiredY or N
15Number of Items

Create an Export Template on your Parcelforce WDM website

Import Format which KhaosControl understands is a simple flat CSV file having three columns:

Order Field Description
1 Reference Number The Khaos Control reference that we provided in the exported file format.
2 Shipment Number The Parcelforce consignment number that can be used to track the parcel.
3 Shipping Date The Shipping Date.


Generate the file for uploading to Parcelforce WDM Online website

  1. Using either a sales order created in Khaos Control or a sales order imported from a website, ensure that the courier service is selected either:
    • Parcelforce 24.
    • Parcelforce 48.
  2. Open a Sales Invoice Manager screen (show me how).
  3. In Staging find the sales orders that are using Parcelforce 24 or Parcelforce 48.
    Note: they can be quickly found using the F4 filter and selecting the Courier Parcelforce 24 or Parcelforce 48 from the options.
  4. Process the orders through the Sales Invoice Manager. When the orders reach the shipping stage:
    • Click on the Confirm Shipment button at the bottom.
    • Assign the courier. This will generate a .csv file containing details of the order, to a pre-defined location (e.g. "K:\KeystoneSoftware\Courier\PFWDM2\Export").

Uploading the .csv file to Parcelforce's WDM Online website

  1. Log onto the Parcelforce WDM Online website at
    • Go to the Bulk (or Batch) Processing option and import the .CSV file into the website.
      Please liaise with your businesses' Parcelforce Account Manager to get Parcelforce WDM Online's Bulk (or Batch) Processing option enabled on your profile. Information on configuring and using Bulk/Batch Processing may be found in the WDM Online section of Parcelforce's website.
    • Produce the labels.

Getting Consignment References and importing them into Khaos Control

  1. Use the Parcelforce WDM Online website to export a file containing multiple orders and consignment references to a pre-defined location (e.g. "K:\KeystoneSoftware\Courier\PFWDM2\Import"). The file format is shown above. You may have to play with the setting slightly to ensure that you are outputting the correct information in the file (sales invoice, consignment reference).
  2. Open a Sales Invoice Manager screen (show me how).
    • Display the drop-down 'Other Actions' menu either by pressing F9 or clicking the down arrow immediately to the right of the green circle with a white cross icon at the top of the button bar.
    • Select "Parcelforce Import (WDM)" and import the file that you saved from the Parcelforce website. This associates the correct consignment references with the correct sales orders.

See Also

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