How To: Copy Basic Report Labels

Basic Report Label Setup is an Advanced User feature.

The Copy button allows the user to copy the Basic Report Label format from one label to another.

  1. Follow the menu route [ System Operations | Basic Reports Labels Setup ] to open the 'Basic Reports Label Setup' dialog.
  2. Double-click on 'Stock'.
  3. Focus on the Brand in the upper left.
  4. If there is no existing report, click on the New Report Configuration button button. This displays a new report that can be configured.
  5. Make sure you are focused on the brand and then select the Design in the lower left using the green cross button.
  6. Focus on the Brand and the Design, click the Basic Reports Copy From button button.
  7. Click on the Brand and Design you wish to copy from.
  8. Click 'OK' to save the settings.
  9. Re-name the new branded basic report label, which is contained in the Report Template Path location.

Once the report has been copied, you can make any other changes as required.

See Also

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