Manual Email Trigger Type Tags

Setting up Email Message Templates is an Advanced User feature.

For the list of types of tags available see Email Manager Message Template Tags.

The Available Tags are displayed when setting up Email Message Templates; the Trigger Type selected will determine which tags are available for use. The Available Tags inserted into the Message Template will determine what information replaces them when the email is created.

These tags are used with the CSV Email Creator dialog which allows users to send emails using a csv file, for example a file created from the grid menu, from the List Manager or from a mailing list, see How To: Create emails using the CSV Email Creator. It is accessed from the Other Actions Menu icon in the button bar in the Email Manager.

Tag Desc Tag Name Description
Column #$COLUMN## representing the number of the column in the CSV file
Date - Day as 2 digit number $DATE_DD Day displayed as a 2 digit number - eg. 02
Date - Day as name $DATE_DNAME Day name is displayed - eg. Friday
Date - Day as suffixed number $DATE_DNUMBER Day displayed as suffixed number - eg. 2nd
Date - month as 2 digit number $DATE_MM Month displayed as a 2 digit number - eg. 09
Date - Year as 4 digit number $DATE_YYYY Year displayed as a 4 digit number - eg. 2003
Email Address $EMAIL_ADDR

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