Amazon FAQ

- WARNING: The information included on this page in only available within Khaos Control if Channels 2.0 is enabled
Introduction - Amazon Selling Partner API
The method of communication by which Khaos Control retrieves Amazon orders is now exclusively the Amazon SP API (Selling Partner). This change-over has been completed so that Khaos Control is no longer using the MWS (Merchant Web Services)
Any systems still using MWS at this time will no longer to be able to retrieve new Amazon orders.
Our channels 1.0 integration does not support the new SP API, so using Channels 2.0 is required for all Amazon integration within Khaos Control.
This integration with the SP API includes the Amazon SP API OAUTH Authorisation process in our Channels 2.0 screen. This is required to link your Amazon channel to Khaos Control Developer Account and allow the software to use the latest SP API communications.
Why do I need to update?
The update contains changes to the Channels 2.0 setup screen to add a new required button "Authorise" for Amazon Channels. This button takes you through the steps to acquire an OAUTH token from Amazon and linking your Amazon channel to the Khaos Control Solutions developer account, authorising Khaos Control to process your Amazon order data.
What do I need to do once I have applied my update?
Once you are running 8.213 you need to edit each of your Channel configurations which deal with Amazon and follow the instructions below (How To: "Update an existing Channels 2 Amazon channel") to use the "Authorise" button, which will take you through the process to acquire an SP API token.
How do I apply my update?
The update can be applied in the usual way, see How To: Use ChangeLog to apply Khaos Control Updates. Once the update has been applied and you have received notification, you can use the new feature to acquire a suitable Oauth token.
What happens if I don't apply my update?

- WARNING: If you are not running Khaos Control v8.213 before 31st July 2022, you will not be able to acquire an OAUTH token to the SP API and you will not be able to download and process Amazon orders via Khaos Control.
What do I do if I am having problems applying my update?
If you have any problems applying updates, please email Support.
Do I still need MWS tokens on my Channel?
No. All Khaos Control communication is now using the Amazon SP API.
What Authorisations do I need to do if I setup a new Amazon channel
You only need to follow the Amazon SP API OAuth process, as detailed here:
How Tos
Update an existing Channels 2 Amazon channel
For setting up a new Amazon Channel
- How To: Create and link your Amazon Channel in Channels 2.0
- How To: Create and link your Amazon FbA Channel in Channels 2.0