Courier Options Dialog - Amazon Logistics Neo

- WARNING: Amazon offer no testing facilities for this functionality, If you require any changes it will require development
The Courier Options dialog allows the user to configure attributes for different couriers, the options will be different for each courier. You can copy the details from an existing courier to another similar one.
To load the Courier Options dialog, open [ System Data | Couriers ]
screen, focus on the courier, right-click and select Configure from the context menu. For each option there is an explanation about what is does.
Nominal Weights can only be used on Boxes (at present). Nominal weights should be in base Khaos Control weight and will be modified by the weight scaling. The system will use:
- Actual Weight
- The consignment weight (items postage or average weight.)
- Nominal Weight
Name | Description | Notes |
Access Key | API access key, provided by Amazon. | Legacy column no longer used. |
Secret Key | API secret key, provided by Amazon. | Legacy column no longer used. |
App Name | The name of the application in the Amazon API. Normally "Khaos Control". | Khaos Control |
Service URL | The API endpoint URL for the Amazon MWS API. | |
Seller ID | Your Amazon Seller ID | *.CSV (Will try to open any file with a .CSV extension.) SHIP_RM*.CSV (Will open SHIP_RM001.CSV and SHIP_RM02TestFile.CSV but not RMClickDrop05.CSV) |
Service ID | The service ID for the shipping service to use. | Note: This should only be used if all parcels shipped with this courier will use the exact same service. |
Label Format | The file format to request that the labels be returned in. Can be PDF, PNG or ZPL203. | PNG |
Collection name | The company name to collect items from. | The Best Company |
Collection Address 1 | The first line of the collection address. | 1 Test Road |
Collection Address 2 | The second line of the collection address. | Industrial Estate |
Collection Address 3 | The third line of the collection address. | Far Park |
Collection Address Town | The town of the collection address. | Testville |
Collection Address Postcode | The postcode of the collection address. | TE57 1NG |
Collection Address County | The county of the collection address. | East Southshire |
Collection Address Country Code | 2-character ISO 3166-1 country code for the collection address. | GB |
Collection Address Email | Contact email for the collection address. | |
Collection Address Telephone | Contact phone number for the collection address | 01234 567890 |
Testing mode | Checkbox option: When ticked, the shipment information will not be sent to Amazon, and will be instead exported in an XML file. | ![]() |
Testing Folder | If Testing Mode is ticked, the XML files generated will be placed into this folder. | K:\KeystoneSoftware\Courier\AmazonNeo |
Send MustArriveByDate | Send the MustArriveByDate parameter to Amazon Logistics. Note: This option should normally be unticked.* | ![]() |
Delivery Days | When the sales order's Required Date is not set, this is the number of days to add to the shipment date to calculate the MustArriveByDate parameter. * | 1 |
Delivery Experience | The delivery confirmation level to request. | NoTracking DeliveryConfirmationWithAdultSignature |
Carrier Will Pick Up | Tells Amazon that the carrier will pick up the items. (This is the CarrierWillPickUp option.) | ![]() |
Weight Scale | The scaling factor to multiply the weights by when exporting the shipment information. | 0.001 |
Nominal Weight | The weight to export if a box's weight would otherwise be 0. Can only be used when there are boxes against the invoice. | 0.01 |
Dimension Scale | Not used; dimensions are not exported. | |
Requires Consignment Ref | If ticked, the Sales Invoice will be prevented from moving past the Shipping stage when there's no Consignment Ref against the invoice or box. | ![]() |
Printer Name | The printer name to use to print any returned labels. This should appear exactly as it does in Windows. | \\servername\Manufacturer HK204-RZ |
- *Amazon EDI Support have in the past advised against sending the MustArriveByDate parameter; this can narrow the available couriers returned and may therefore result in no couriers being available.
- After setting up the first courier service that uses the 'Amazon Logistics Neo' Export Type, it is possible to then set up a second courier service with the same Export Type and then use the Copy From button in the right click > Configure... options on the second service to copy the settings from the first one.