CRM Manager Quotes (Opportunities) tab
For the Other Action Menu options (press F9 or ) see CRM Manager Other Actions Menu.

- WARNING: Quotes are added to this screen automatically when saved. Users require HQ Permissions to edit this screen.
The Quotes screen allows users to manage quotations in the system, for example:
- It allows users to review current (pending), won (successful) and lost (unsuccessful) opportunities (quotes) for the system as a whole or for individual customers.
- Salespeople and their manager(s) can use the CRM detail for each opportunity, which shows the number of contacts that were generated against a single quote and the number of days since the last contact, to determine which opportunities to follow up and how to prioritise them.
- Successful and unsuccessful opportunities can be reviewed en masse.
- It allows the user to see which pending quotes are no longer viable and gives them the ability to remove them from the Quotations folder in the Sales Invoice Manager from this screen. This has two benefits:
- The user saves time as they don't have to open each quotation individually and delete them to remove them from the Quotations folder.
- When the user marks the quote as unsuccessful in this screen, a record is kept which can be used to analyse the success and failure of the quotation conversion rates.
- When a quotation is created, (see How To: Create and Process a Quotation) it will appear as Pending in this screen. When the user converts a Quote to a Sales Order using the Convert Quote to Sales Order option in the Sales Order Other Actions menu then the quote will be marked as successful in this screen and will be moved from Pending to the Successful list.
- For account customers the value of a quotation will be included in the value assessed when the system is checking whether the order should be moved into Terms Hold in the Sales Invoice Manager. However, once a quotation is marked as Unsuccessful, the system will no longer take the quotation amount into account with the regards to the customer's credit limit, see How To: Mark a Quotation as Unsuccessful.
CRM Manager Quotes (Opportunities) tab
The Quotes (Opportunities) screen is opened from:
- The Quotes (Opportunities) tab in the
[ CRM Manager ]
for all currently Pending Quotes in the system. - The
button in the
[ Comm Log (Leads) ]
screen for all currently Pending Quotes for the customer.
The screen consists of filters and information panel at the top and the grid.
Quotes Filters
- Count and Conversion Rates display area: these are specific to the current filter set, for example if using the customer filter it will show the results for that customer:
- Successful Count: the number of successful conversions from Quotes to sales orders.
- Unsuccessful Count: the number of quotations that were not converted into sales orders.
- Pending Count: the number of quotations where you are awaiting the customers decision as to whether to convert to sales order or not.
- Pipeline Value: the net total of all quotations in Pending.
- Conversion Rate: the percentage of Quotes converted to sales orders.
- Conversion Value: the monetary value of current pipeline at the current conversion rate.
- Weighted Value: Net Total * Weighted Value % for each quote filtered and then summed; i.e. what you can expect to bring in as a net figure.
- Limit Counts and Conversion Rates... checkbox: ticked the counts and conversion rates are limited to the last month's quotations.
- Limit CRM column figures... checkbox (default=ticked):
TICKED: the first 3 columns in the grid will show the CRM entries associated specifically with the quotation.
UNTICKED: the first 3 columns in the grid will show ALL of the CRM entries regardless of whether they are associated with the quotation.
- Status (
traffic light filter):
- Pending: shows any Quote that is awaiting the customer's decision as to whether to convert it to a Sales Order or not.
- Successful: shows any Quote that has been converted into a sales order.
- Unsuccessful: shows any Quote that the customer has rejected and that has been marked as unsuccessful using the context menu option in this screen. Quotations marked as unsuccessful will be moved to the
[ Unsuccessful ]
stage in the Sales Invoice Manager where they will remain for one year before being archived.
- Reason (
traffic light filter): the reason for failing to get the deal as setup in
[ System Data | Quotation Reasons ]
. - Agent (
traffic light filter): filter the information by the agent linked to the quotation.
- Brand (
traffic light filter): filter the information by brand.
- Date Created (
traffic light filter) (default=off): the date the quotation was created or converted into a sales order enabling users to analyse historic performance of quotations.
- Delivery Date (
traffic light filter) (default=off): the expected delivery date as per the date on the quotation enabling users to filter for which quotations they should be expecting to 'close' within a specific period.
- Customer (
traffic light filter): filter the grid by a specific customer using the
green folder icon, for example to see all quotes that have been created for a customer and the successful and unsuccessful conversions.
- Company Class (
traffic light filter): filter the grid by a specific company class, for example "Retail" to see all quotes created for a retail customer.
Quotes Grid
- CRM: these columns can be used to prioritise and/or review pending quotes and also to show the effort that went into successful or unsuccessful quotes:
- Count: the number of communication log entries against the specific quote (or customer if Limit CRM column figures... is
unticked) as entered in the Comm Log tab in a Quotation.
- Days: the number of days since the customer was contacted.
- User: the user who created the quote.
- Count: the number of communication log entries against the specific quote (or customer if Limit CRM column figures... is
- Quote/Sale:
- Code: the Quotation or Sales Order code.
- Type: the type of order; Quotation (QU) or Sales Order (S).
- Customer:
- URN: the customer's URN.
- Name: the name of the customer or Company.
- Created:
- Date: the date the quotation was created or converted into a sales order.
- Time: the time the quotation was created or converted into a sales order.
- Net Total: the quotation's or sales order's total excluding VAT.
- Gross Total: the quotation's or sales order's total including VAT.
- Qty Sold: the total quantity of items on the quotation or sales order.
- Qty Sent: the total quantity of items on the sales order that have been despatched.
- Status:
- Pending: quotations awaiting the customers decision to buy the items or not.
- Successful: quotations that have been converted into sales orders.
- Unsuccessful: a Quote that the customer has rejected and that has been marked as unsuccessful using the context menu option in this screen. The quote will be moved to the Unsuccessful stage in the Sales Invoice Manager.
- Reason: the reason for failing to successfully convert the quotation to a sales order, for example competitor price match, too expensive or unhelpful salesperson, see How To: Add a Reason to an Unsuccessful Quotation. Reasons are setup in
[ System Data | Quotation Reasons ]
, see How To: Create Quotation Reasons. - Weighting:
- Lookup: the stage or chance of winning the deal as setup in
[ System Data | Quotation Weighting ]
. - Override: the percentage chance of winning the deal associated with the Weighting Lookup and setup in
[ System Data | Quotation Weighting ]
. - Value: the Net Order Total multiplied by the Weighting % for all quotes currently displayed in the screen.
- Lookup: the stage or chance of winning the deal as setup in
- Delivery:
- Contact: the contact that the items on the quotation will be despatched to if it is converted to a sales order.
- Address: the address in the quotation that the items will be despatched to if it is converted to a sales order.
- Invoice Note: the sales invoice note on the quotation that will be printed on the sales invoice.
- Agent: the agent listed against the quotation.
Quotes Context Menu
- Goto Sales Order / Quote: opens the sales order or quotation.
- Goto Customer: opens the customer record for the quotation currently focused on.
- New Comm Log Entry: creates a new comm log entry linked to the Quotation, see How To: Add a Comm Log Entry to a Quotation. This will will appended to the customer's Communication Log. You may wish to setup new
[ System Data | Contact Manager | CRM Contact Types ]
in System Data to use when making Comm Log entries from this screen for example Chase Quotation, Cancelled Quotation etc. - Mark Successful: it is not possible to mark a quotation as successful from here, it must be done from the Other Actions Menu in the Sales Order.
- Mark Selected Pending as Unsuccessful: moves the quotation to the Unsuccessful stage in the Sales Invoice Manager and keeps a record of the quotation for analysing the conversion rate, see How To: Mark a Quotation as Unsuccessful and How To: Add a Reason to an Unsuccessful Quotation. The Unsuccessful stage will only display the unsuccessful quotations for the last year.
- Mark Selected Unsuccessful as Pending: moves the quotation back into the Pending list, for example if the customer changes their mind or takes longer than the permitted quotation period in the Quotation Note and a user has marked their quote as unsuccessful, see How To: Move an Unsuccessful Quotation back to Pending.
- Apply Value Range: allows the user to specify a value that is to be applied to all of the currently selected rows/items for the current column.
- Clear Selection: deselects the currently selected line(s).