How To: Create Payments for Linked Companies

If you deal with a group of customers for whom statements and invoices are sent to a central head office, linking customers enables the system to maintain a central statement. In addition, it will enable head office payments to be entered, which can then be allocated across multiple linked customers.

  1. Open a Customer screen (show me how).
  2. Find and load the Customer who is the parent for example central head office.
  3. Open the [ Customer | Detail | Statement ] tab.
  4. Click on the  button. A screen very similar to the batch payment allocation form that allows a single payment to be entered with multiple detail invoice lines is displayed.
  5. All the invoices for the companies linked to the HQ company that require payment will be displayed in the lower grid.
  6. Payments (or credits) can either be made to to one or a batch of invoices.
    • To allocate a payment / credit to an invoice
      • Drag-and-drop the payment / credit from the top grid (Allocate From) onto the invoice in the grid below (Allocate To). Repeat this step for each invoice that needs to be allocated.
    • To allocate a payment / credit to a batch of invoices
      • Green select the payment / credit in the top grid (Allocate From).
      • Green select the invoices in the grid below (Allocate To).
      • Right-click and select [Allocate above payment to selected invoices].
        Note: if you have several payments and matching invoices you can green select them all and then select [Allocate Multiple to Selected Invoices] in the Allocate From grid.


  • When searching for invoices that require allocation, you can search within any column in the grid by typing directly into it.
  • Checking the User Allocate check-box before allocating payments as described above, allows the user to specify exact amounts for each invoice(s). This may be useful if a customer wishes to part-pay all / some of their invoices rather than fully pay one or two.

See Also

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